Our Sterling Edition

by Lori agreen
(Port Charlotte Florida USA)

Sterling is our newest addition. Isn’t he beautiful?

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Oct 06, 2024
by: Anonymous

Very beautiful!

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by Julia Flynn
(Venice, FL)

Simba loves to rise up on his back legs and wave his front legs with a head wag to make me laugh!

Simba is 8 months old and pure love and game playing! He loves to play soccer with one kibble, batting back and forth before eating it and looking at me, with a chirp to play again.

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Wants to go too!

by lee
(sarasota fl.)

Ready to go!

Ready to go!

She's a 17 pound female almost 2 yrs. Old beautiful and crazy she is very entertaining and plays constantly day and night if not with us she plays on her own happy as a lark although she likes to steal things and when caught in the act will lay on item and act all innocent. She has brought joy to our Life after losing another life long friend from old age. Coonie, all the way!

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Flarye M.

by Elizabeth McCoy
(Winfield Kansas)

While I'm not sure our Flarye is 100% coonie,he seems to have a few definite characteristics. He is a handsome young man and has the greatest personality!

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Big Foot

by Denny

Look at all those toes!

Look at all those toes!

4 month old polydactyl Coonie with 24 toes

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Sep 29, 2024
Real Name
by: Denny

Well, my daughters call him "Big Foot" as he is a polydactyl with 6 toes on each paw. He would be one heck of a swimmer with those big paddles.

Now his real name is Yoshi and he is a real lover. Only 4 months old and 8 pounds.

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Ariel and Oberon

by Bradley D Broughman
(Lexington, Kentucky)



Ariel and Oberon are both the grey moons of Uranus, and Shakespearian wraiths.

Ariel (smaller one) is the spirit freed by Prospero in "The Tempest", Oberon (bigger one, w/ the 1000-yard stare...) is the king of the fairies in "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Anyone who has a Maine Coon SHOULD have 2, just for the pure pleasure!

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I’m The King Ivan Moody

by Donna
(Michigan )

Ivan is approaching 1 year on October 6th. He’s been a great addition to our family!

He’s lovable, feisty and stubborn all in one Coonie. He’s approximately 18-20 pounds.

Love him to death! 🩵

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Toby the Gentle Giant

by Jan Hagel
(Grass Valley, California)

Toby was our big lover boy. He weighed 19 lbs and followed us around the ranch like a dog.

We would sometimes find him sleeping in the dog house.

Toby got cancer and crossed over the rainbow bridge about 2 years ago, and I miss him very much.

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My Ink Blots 🤭

by Dallas G

Our Max is a beautiful tuxedo Coonie whom we welcomed to our home this Spring along with his dainty litter mate Dot.

They are so Full of ENERGY!!

We love them both sooooo much! Max loves to throw himself at your feet or up against you during the middle of the night shaking the bed. Lol!

We are looking forward to many years of happiness with Max and Dot.

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Meet Baby Girl And Her Brother Beauski

by Bruce Bornstein

They will soon be teenagers this fall, love 'em to bitz. They're not very large for Coonies weighing in around 13 to 14 lbs. The joy of my life.

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Meet Mr. Finn Meowller

by Dorothy Mueller
(California )

Finn joined our family a few weeks ago. Fergus, our 22 pound Maine Coon/Siamese mix, needed a friend to play with. It took a very long time to find his new mate.

Finn has a tiny body but a huge personality! He is super smart, struts around with his head up high, and loves to play (and annoy!) with Fergus.

Finn is polydactyl with 7 toes and actually has mitten paws in both front and back paws.

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by Jessica Zerr
(Sinking Spring, PA USA )

From our kitty family to yours, we wish you a happy Labor Day weekend! 🌺🤍💙

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Shadow “Baby Kitty"

by Karoline
(Charlotte, NC)

Shadow is such a sweet loving cat! He can be very independent sometimes but will purr anytime you come near him.

Sometimes he likes to eat food with his paws, which is funny to watch. He also loves to hang out in all our bathroom sinks :)

He just turned 1 on June 20th and now weighs 18 lbs. Shadow lives with Rudolph “Rudy” his Grey Tabby brother cat, Buddy “the elf” Aussiedoodle brother, and Penelope “Penny” his Yorkie sister.

We all love him so much!!!

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by Heather R
(Atlanta, GA)

Learning to sit

Learning to sit

Schooner is a 9.5 year old 28# Maine Coon “dog”.

Early on Schooner was an only cat brought up by my 2 dogs and she think she is one! She can sit, fetch, sit up pretty, she greets all guests at the door, follows around on cleaning day even when the vacuum runs.

She seems to give her Maine Coon brother and sister a disgusted look when they are scaredy-cats, lol. The only thing she doesn’t do is bark.

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Binxyboo/ Baby

by Lee
(Sarasota FL.)

Binx was a rescue from a cattery that was shut down she was.

Still a kitten when we got her she weighed 7 pounds day one now she's twice the size beautiful and around 16 pounds she's a big girl.

Still has trust issues but when she loves she really loves she's the strangest cat and entertains constantly she guards the house with ferocity if she hears any unusual noise outside she runs to the area growling like a wildcat. Maine Coons are the best.

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by Lee
(Sarasota FL.)

We adopted Binx from cat depot after 60 cats were rescued from a breeder in Virgina.

She's a 17 pound one year old. Have had her since she was under a year. She's spicy and sweet. She plays all day when not power napping.

She's extremely hyperactive though, always into everything, oh and her huge fluffy tail curls up and over her back like a Pomeranian.

I heard this could be a genetic defect but it's cute as hell, the more exited the bigger the curl.

She has definitely brought life into our home after losing a lifelong feline friend a while back.

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Flying Main Coon

by Alan Webb
(Leicester UK)

Leesha, our Maine Coon, is 3 Years old. She is a loving, gentle cat but likes to be petted on her own terms.

Leesha runs away from strangers that come into the house, but when she gets to know you she will allow you to pet her. But strictly on her own terms - beware if she is not ready for you!!

Leesha is playful and likes to explore the garden with the odd sortie onto the neighbours roof hence the title as she likes to leap from roof to garage

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Ghost Kitty

by Sharmaine
(California )

Just chillin

Just chillin

Ghost is a 4 month old silver shaded main coon kitty with lots of character and spunk.

He is very lovable, curious, vocal, active, and fierce. He loves to play with our 8 month old French Bulldog.

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by Diana Caggiano
(Gansevoort, NY. USA)

Nika is a full bred Maine coon. She is a beautiful girl with a personality to match. Nika is 2 1/2 and weighs 13 pounds

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Miss Telulah

by Gloria
(Kent UK)

Telulah is cuteness overload. Every visitor has come to fuss her and she runs from sleeping upstairs to make sure she gets what she wants.

She has huge fluffy paws and will bring a wayward hand back to her head to be petted. She often lays flat out tummy up and loves a tummy tickle too.

Water is of great interest to her and she loves a running tap to sit under and will wash herself and drink for ages if allowed.

I have her sibling, a boy who is very long bodied with a great big furry tail. They are great friends and will touch noses and wash each other although mainly Bertie washes Telulah.

Telulah can take anything from Bertie whether it be a toy or food. Telulah has very thick fur with a lot of orange in it while Bertie is Tuxedo.

Telulah is very vocal and sometimes gives great long answers to my attempts to communicate with her.

Telulah is now 7 years and has gone over the fence for the first time. She has a look around then takes ages to work out how to get back! She is a Beatrix Potter character for sure.

Telulah will ask for biscuits even when she has a dish full and I have to pretend to put more in the dish before she will eat it.

I am trying to get her to crunch as she has always swallowed her food and treats. Telulah is a pretty girl and she knows it to.

I brush her which she likes but last time I clipped her claws she put her jaw over my arm. She didn’t clamp down but made sounds to say she wasn’t happy.

I feel very lucky to have two beautiful creatures in my home.

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by Jeanne Legault
(Seattle WA USA)

Biscuit is the sweetest animal on earth! He loves everyone - our other 3 cats, who he watches over, and his Cat Mom and Cat Dad.

He is amazingly bright. If we cannot find one of our cats, he will lead us to them if we ask him!

He is absolutely adored. Not to mention completely gorgeous! Everyone at our Vet's loves him - the even have photos of him on their wall.

What a divine creature he is!

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by Suzanne
(Harrisburg, PA)

Meet Kimber: She's a 10-year-old, 17-pound brown-patch tabby that still likes to play-- mostly swatting at wand toys or chasing bugs.

Her Majesty enjoys napping, getting her chin rubbed and demanding her yogurt in the morning.

Like most Coonies, she is very vocal and has quite the vocabulary. She will let you know if something is amiss.

The first time she saw snow, she woke us up in the middle of the night to show us!

We've had many adventures in the 10 years we've been together. She was absolutely the craziest kitten I've ever had.

When she was about 4 months old, she was so energetic that I wondered what I'd gotten myself into. She has settled down nicely and has been a wonderful companion.

I would not trade her for anything.

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Aug 13, 2024
My Puffin
by: Barbara S

I must admit that I love your Kimber since she and my Puffin could be twins!

That face and her coloring are practically identical. The only difference is that Puffin is a boy who just turned 11.

Would like to post a picture of him but I can never seem to get him to turn my way or I don't have my phone close by.

That actually happened today when he was outside on my picnic table staring at some squirrels. I've never seen him look so majestic but alas, no cell phone. (His regal name is "Sir Puffin the Puffinator".)

I can never get enough of admiring the Maine Coon kitties but now, Kimber holds a special place in my heart! Thank you for sharing!

Aug 10, 2024
by: Marilyn

Kimber is beautiful! Our Buddy is very much like Kimber in personality. He’s only 3 yrs, but he’s our family in our retired years.

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My Life Saver

by Dawn
(Pennsylvania )

This is Whiskers, my big baby boy. Was told when we rescued him when he was orphan (his mom died they and were outdoors cats).

The vet said he looks like he is mixed with Maine Coon. That was 11 years ago.

I wouldn’t trade him for the world. He’s been there my good and bad times with his chirping and cuddling.

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Aug 09, 2024
by: Anonymous

Whiskers is such a beauitiful baby.

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The Majestic Kong

by Darla Sailsbury
(Hollister Missouri )

Kong is 6 months young. He is full of energy and love! He weighs in at about 11 lbs right now… growing every day.

I have spoiled him and that is exactly where I want him and intend to keep him. He loves to climb and explore so I try to get him new items to expand his horizon as often as possible.

His favorite treats are Greenies catnip treats. I love and enjoy all his chips and trills when he’s talking to me and others.

His enormous, fluffy feet are one of my favorite characteristics of his. He adopted a couple of dsh kittens out of our rescue litters this year.

He is adorable teaching them how to climb his trees and steps on the walls. He is a joy to watch and to be around. What a lovely boy!!

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Socks: 25pounds, 5yr old Male Maine Coon Mix

by Kara Schmith Busby
(New Athens, IL)

His New couch

His New couch

Hello, Socks is a loving Maine Coon tabby mix, mother was the tabby.

Socks weight is 25 pounds and he is not fat he is just a very big boy. He gets along with the other animals in the house and has a fascination with running water.

He loves to go for drives in the car and to watch the animals outside the house, such as birds and squirrels.

He is very playful and nosey when we have bags of any kind around. He is my best friend and my fur baby.

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by Lillie

Dalton is a magnificent, sweet tempered 31 lb. Maine Coon from Georgia. He loves to cuddle and nap with his humans, and in laundry baskets. His purr sounds like a lion. He knows no strangers.

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Dirigo Electro aka Ellie aka Ellie Diablo

by Jan Wood
(Smyrna, Tennessee )

On a cold day in January, I was Googling Maine Coon kittens after visiting a cat show in Nashville.

Fate has always paired me with Siamese, except one beautiful long-haired tabby girl who chose me 35 years ago. But ahhh, the Maine Coons at this show...

Maine Coon Oasis had a doll baby who looked just like my tabby Allie - and her name was Ellie!

Two weeks later, we drove six hours from Nashville to South Carolina to pick up Ellie. My husband could not talk me out of it. Ellie is my soul mate. You know how you just feel it in your 🧡? One look and I knew.

We weren't even looking for a new fur baby. I was just looking at Maine Coons for the fun of it. And then SHE happened. Ellie just turned 1 year old. She is brown and black with a small white locket and the prettiest white eye liner you've ever laid eyes upon.

Ellie is living her best life~chasing ice cubes around the kitchen and stealing seats (and toys) from our grandchildren. She plays mouse games on her tablet with her big fur brother Aspen, and even lets the little humans play too! Ellie enjoys sleeping on her window perch or in her fuzzy beds. But the best naps are on Mommy's lap. Mommy and Daddy love her to pieces!

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Apollo the Stud

by Amy C

Apollo is a seven month old male Who owns our heart in our household. He eats so much we can barely keep his hunger satisfied.

He loves to go walking outside on a leash and climbs to the top of trees as far as his leash Wall will allow him which is 26 feet.

Although he doesn’t like water much, because of his outside shenanigans, he needs to have a bath on occasion. He’s extremely vocal and affectionate.

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by Joni
(Davidson, NC USA)

Gunny was almost 4 months old when he joined our family with 2 Collies and his cat brother.

He walked into each room like he'd been there his entire life. No fear, no hesitation.

He loves car rides and adventures. He recently turned a year old and I can't wait to see him continue to grow and flourish.

I only wish I’d gotten a “COONIE” sooner. He’s the joy of my life… heart and soul.

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by Marina Denishenko
(Wellesley MA)

I would like to show everyone my lovey girl, Marusya

She is 15 months old main coon and she is sweeties, beautiful, fantastic cat with own attitude and strong character 😻

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Sir Aston Martin (Marti), Lotus Emira (Mira)

by Donna Digiacomo
(Cape Coral Florida )

Mira and Marti help me get ready for the day!

Mira and Marti help me get ready for the day!

These two are half brother and sister! They love playing together and even will eat together!!

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Mr. Vasili Wriglesworth

by Alisa F
(Belmont, NC, USA)

Wrigley is 1 year old! He currently weighs just over 16 lbs. He's very vocal and LOVES to be the center of attention. He's the best birthday gift I've ever gotten!

I've been a cat person my entire life and love all my cats, but this guy is really something special 💕

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Meatball (female)

by Lawrence Martinez
(Pueblo, Colorado USA)

Hi everyone, I'm Lawrence from Colorado.. Meatball was an abandoned cat in Colorado Springs.

Meatball approached my daughter's home in January this year crying at her doorstep, scared and skittish...

My daughter put out a 'Meatball' on dish outside and she ate it, and then came inside the house and became my daughter's best friend...

Fast forward to May, my daughter moved out and needed a home for Meatball I accepted...she's thriving, putting on weight and happy...

She talks all time (meows) and somehow, I know what she wants...pets,snacks,look out the windows,go outside, play time and just good ol'e holding...

Thank you everyone.
Lawrence Martinez

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Frankie Bryant

by Amanda Bryant
(Sugar Land, TX )

Paper Towel, Anyone?

Paper Towel, Anyone?

Frankie is a 25lb Male Brown Tabby with White MC. He measures 3ft long.

Frankie was born on Halloween 2015 in Atlanta Georgia. Toys are his life and he is a whole character.

Frankie is loved by many and folks are in awe of both his size and color.

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by Chella
(Venda do Pinheiro, Portugal)

At 4 months, Lúda is a beautiful, curious, and courageous bundle of joy.

I'm a new cat mom and I couldn't have selected a better breed than the Maine Coon. I look forward to showing him off in this community.

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Mobi the Maine Coon

by Louise Vessey
(PEI, Canada)

Here he is as a kitten

Here he is as a kitten

Mobi is a sweet, timid, curious, chatty 10 year old Gentle Giant.

He has two extra digits on each paw which is a challenge as he does not like his claws to be trimmed.

I have SO many photos of him, but here are just a few. He is a blue tabby with white, I think it's called.

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Bonnie and Clyde

by Patricia Lewis
(Lucas County, Ohio USA)

I have 2 Coonies - brother and sister. They were the only 2 in their mom’s first litter.

Dad was all black and mom was tortie colored like Bonnie. They are 10 years old and thriving in Ohio!

My husband named them because when he bought them he said they raided his bank account!

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by Amy C
(Lakeland FL)

Apollo is six months old and was a gift for my 10 year old daughter after she and I reunited after a year of being a part.

She has always wanted a dog but due to our circumstances, we cannot have a dog. What's the next best thing? A Maine Coon!!

So Apollo joined our family. He loves running on his cat wheel, hunting for lizards while walking on his harness, eating massive amounts of food, purring so loudly that it almost shakes the walls, and bringing nothing but complete joy and happiness to my daughter and I.

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My girl Gracie

by Kim
(Meriden, CT USA)

pure black fluffy maine coon girl

Gracie is a l year old Maine Coon weighing in at a whopping 17 lbs.!! She’s a snuggle bug, so affectionate I love her to pieces.

She’s also the clumsiest cat I’ve ever owned, knocking things over constantly!

Comments for My girl Gracie

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Jul 01, 2024
She’s perfect!
by: Annelise

Gracie is a lovely girl! Black cats are awesome, especially if they’re black maine coons!

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Pepe Le Pew

by Gary & Mindy
(Melbourne, FL)

Pepe is just shy of six months old and lives in Melbourne, Florida. He is a loving, active, growing kitty. He’s very curious and seeks out new adventures, including meeting new people. We just love him to death.

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Edgar Allen Poe, call name POE

by Linda vE
(Tenants Harbor, ME, US)

Poe came to live with us in Mid Coast ME on April 20, 2022.

Poe arrived in the household as only cat but brother to two big dogs, Vosje, a Chow and Maestro, a Keeshond.

Poe kept to himself for a week or so ( he had his own room!) but slowly got to know his sibs. All was well. One year ago we adopted a new puppy, Luna Lu, another Keeshond and life got crazy quickly..but in a good way.

Poe, at 18# outweighed Luna but the two soon became wrestling buddies. Luna now outweighs him but the matches still go on!

They love to chase and play together.

Comments for Edgar Allen Poe, call name POE

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Jun 26, 2024
Poe looks like he belongs....
by: Laurie

Beautiful cat, welcome aboard Poe.

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by Marty Vaughn
(Arcanum, Ohio, USA)

Oliver 8 months old

Oliver 8 months old

He's a character. We brush him daily & trim nails twice a month.

He's not a fan of all the grooming but will do anything for a fancy feast lickable treat!

Oliver lives with a female Siamese and she runs the show even though she's way smaller than Oliver.

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by Rick
(Port Richey fl )

Awesome companion. This one is the closest to having a dog, very active and healthy

Comments for Turbo

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Jun 23, 2024
by: Anonymous

What a gorgeous kitty!

Jun 18, 2024
by: Anonymous

Love the name! Turbo is gorgeous and brought a big smile to my face! Welcome!

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Queen Torte

by Diana

Nika is a 2 year old female who loves playing. She’s loves acting as the family supervisor, from one of her towers.

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Jun 23, 2024
Queen Torte
by: Anonymous

Nika is a regal and beautiful girl!

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My Cat Sophie

by Catie
(Amherst, Massachusetts, United States)

Sophie is my twelve year old Maine Coon cat. She picked me when I stopped at a farmers home put in the country to look at “free” kittens!

Her little paw shot up and she looked lovingly into my eyes and that was it, she was mine!

Sophie does “Tricks for treats” where she’ll shake - with both paws, stand up on her hind legs and sit on command in return for a cat treat!

She has brought so much love and laughter to my home and purrs nonstop!

I can’t imagine life without my Sophie as she is truly a treasure!

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MAX the Cat

by Ken Dudick
(Tacoma,WA, USA)

First venture out of his new home.

First venture out of his new home.

Found MAXIM in a county shelter about 80 miles from home. He was about three years old when he became part of the family.

The folks at the shelter were astounded that we would drive so far, just to adopt a cat.

It was LOVE at first sight. He is the most loving boy. There was another Coonie in the neighborhood. He lived across the street. He was semi abandoned.

We asked the neighbor if they were willing to give up their cat so Max can have a brother. All was agreed and EKO moved in with MAX. He was a Golden colored with long hair. They shared our house for about three years until EKO passed.

Max has a new brother, Boris, who came from a shelter. Boris may not be a Coonie but is loved and cared for just like brother Max.

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by MaryJo
(Franklin Park, il)

Lazy cat

Lazy cat

Cookie is 12 or 13 yrs old. We adopted her and she’s the sweetest thing ever.

We had another cat it was a male up and passed on and we decided to get another one. She’s not a full blooded cookie she has some tabby in her.

Spoiled rotten. We have 3 other cats but they are tabby’s and all female. Cookie is the queen.

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Aug 20, 2024
by: Anonymous

What a cutie pie.

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by MaryJo
(Franklin Park, il)


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by: Jacquelin in Middletown Ohio USA
Oliver is my Velcro kitten.

He is so very jealous of anything that I am paying attention to other than him. I am doing work on the computer. He will try to Between me and the computer.

He also will try to get between my husband and I if my husband tries to kiss me or hug me and also he’s not real coordinated. He doesn’t always land on his feet when he falls.

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