Maine Coon Info

Test Your Knowledge With This Maine Coon Quiz

by: / Author, Mainer, Maine Coon Mama!

Here's a fun idea! Take our test of Maine Coon info.

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True or False: Maine Coon cats are all super large cats.


True or False: If a cat has a tell-tale "M" mark on its forehead, you know it's a Maine Coon.


True or False: A Maine Coon cat can take 3 - 5 years to reach his adult size.


True or False: Maine Coons are particularly skilled hunters who excel at hunting wildlife.


True or False: Being double-pawed is a trait of the Maine Coon cat breed.


True or False: A Maine Coon cat can be virtually any color.


True or False: These big, strong cats need to be let outdoors in order to be happy and healthy.


True of False: Maine Coon cats, having developed in the wild, have a vicious or "wild" streak.


True or False: Maine Coons have a loyal, doglike personality and can even be taught to do tricks.


True or False: Maine Coons have a mild temperament, making them excellent family pets.

All done? Record or remember your answers, and scroll down to see how you fared...

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Maine Coon Info - Answers:

Maine Coon info #1: Maine Coon cats are all super large cats.

False. Although the Maine Coon cat breed is larger in general, not all Maine Coons are huge. For every big Maine Coon cat who weighs more than average, there is a small Maine Coon who weighs less than average.

Maine Coon info #2: If a cat has a tell-tale "M" mark on its forehead, you know it's a Maine Coon.

False. This myth is still out there. It has some basis in fact, though. The Maine Coon Tabby pattern will have a distinguishing "M" on the forehead.

But, Maine Coons can be many other colors or patterns, and any tabby cat can have an "M" on its forehead. The M, in and of itself, is not proof positive of having a Maine Coon.

Maine Coon info #3: A Maine Coon cat can take 3 - 5 years to reach his adult size.

True! This is a slow to mature breed. Maine Coons often don't reach their full size until the age of 3 -5 years.

Also, Maine Coon cat breeders keep the kittens with them until the age of 12 - 13 weeks for the same reason. They are just not ready before then.

Maine Coon info #4: Maine Coons are particularly skilled hunters who excel at hunting wildlife.

False. Although a Maine Coon may be a talented hunter, it's not breed-related. Any house cat may be a good hunter, and any Maine Coon cat can be a good or a poor hunter.

Maine Coon info #5: Being double-pawed is a trait of the Maine Coon cat breed.

False. Being double pawed, or polydactyl, is not allowed for pedigreed cats who are registered and shown. It was a feature of the old Maine Coon "barn cats" of years gone by, but the dominant genes responsible have been "weeded out" by breeders of these awesome show cats.

A few polydactyl Maine Coons remain, being bred in honor of their natural heritage. They won't be registered, though.

Maine Coon info #6: A Maine Coon cat can be virtually any color.

True. The array of Maine Coon cat colors is astounding! Virtually any color is acceptable. Although, the Classic Brown Tabby is the color most of us are familiar with at first.

Maine Coon info #7: These big, strong cats need to be let outdoors in order to be happy and healthy.

False. Yes, they are big, strong and sturdy cats. And although they would probably have fun outside, it's not what is in their best interests. Most vets and breeders agree: it is not in his best interests to let cats outside.

Maine Coon info #8: Maine Coon cats, having developed in the wild, have a vicious or "wild" streak.

False! Nothing could be further from the truth! These loving and sweet cats have a temperament just the opposite of this tall tale, or myth regarding the characteristics of Maine Coons.

Maine Coon info #9: Maine Coons have a loyal, doglike personality and can even be taught to do tricks.

True. Have you ever seen a cat do tricks? It can be taught! These cats are known for their dog-like personalities. They are smart, loyal, and very interactive.

For even more evidence, check out this video of Rudy the Maine Coon doing tricks.

Maine Coon info #10: Maine Coons have a mild temperament, making them excellent family pets.

True, of course! These cats have a gentle, loving, patient personality that makes them a perfect companion for a single person in an apartment, as well as a wonderful (and trustworthy) pet for a busy family. They are known for being great with children and even dogs, too!

How did you do? Do you know as much Maine Coon info as you thought you did?

If you got 0 - 3 questions correct, you are a Maine Coon newbie! That's all right, though! It's so much fun to learn about these awesome cats. Read some of our pages about their characteristics, and you'll be hooked!

If you got 4 - 6 questions correct, you are a Maine Coon "Kitten". You've got some knowledge down, and you have a passion to learn even more. Keep exploring all there is to learn about Maine Coons!

If you got 7-9 questions correct, you know your stuff. This cat breed isn't new to you, but there were one or more questions that managed to stump you. You are probably thinking "Oh, I knew that!"

You could probably share a lot of Maine Coon info with friends or family members if they asked you a question.

If you got all 10 questions correct, you are a Maine Coon cat expert! Congratulations! That's right, no "trick question" will get you. You know these cats inside and out. You are probably a Maine Coon owner, and you most certainly are a Maine Coon cat fan!

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