Honest World's Best Litter Reviews

Experiences From Our Readers & Community

by: The Maine Coon Cat Nation Community!

Many cat parents are searching for an alternative to traditional clay litter for their feline friend.

Whenever I want to try something new, I always search for user reviews first! When it comes to trying a new product, I don't like to buy something without a good idea of how it will go.

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worlds best cat litter reviews

Since quite a few of our Maine Coon friends have used natural litters, it's "only natural" to share their World's Best Cat litter reviews here!

See how World's Best Cat Litter brand performed for them.

Have you used it too? Please share your opinions at the bottom of this page!

Why I Prefer World's Best Over Smart Cat and Others

Review by: MGirard

(Los Angeles, CA)

Names like "World's Best" usually put me off a product, and elicit a "yeah, sure" response from me, so I avoided this brand for years.

After trying it, I would say that their name is not too much of an exaggeration. It is the best that I've used.

My three LARGE cats, who will only use one box, are happy with it.

World's Best also markets a lavender-scented option, which my cats did not object to using, although I only buy it when the store is out of the natural scent.

Someone said that "natural" versions require more frequent sifting than clay litter. I haven't found that to be the case with World's Best.

Boxes should be sifted daily, no matter what kind it is. My cats start thinking outside the box by day 2.

The natural scent is pleasant and stays fresh longer than any that I've used. Smart Cat, another grain-based, clumping litter, quickly takes on ammonia odors.

I haven't had to dump WB and start over with new litter as often as I have with clay litter or with Smart Cat, which may even "incubate" ammonia smells.

World's Best is easy scooping and doesn't turn to wet goo and stick to the bottom of the pan.

The waste litter is lighter than spent clay litter when it's bagged up. With three cats, clay litter gets so heavy that I can barely lift the bag into the 5 ft. high dumpster.

Tracking isn't as bad as with clay, and what is tracked is easier to clean up and not as unpleasant to encounter as granules of clay.

It comes in vacuumed packed bags, rather like coffee beans, and when you break the seal it makes a "whoosh" sound and emits a pleasant natural scent.

It has less density but more volume per ounce than clay, yet it absorbs moisture and clumps very well.

The company claims that you can flush it. I don't feel comfortable flushing several pounds of grain down the toilet of my rented 3rd floor abode, but I have occasionally flushed small smaller clumps without any problems.

Although I'm on a very tight budget, I consider this brand essential for my cats.

It stays fresh longer, doesn't require vigorous scrubbing of the box, needs less frequent changing and is easier to dispose of.

Overall, it's a better value than the cheaper clay litters.

Switched To World's Best After ER Visit

two fluffy kitties sitting in kitchenFigaro & Adina

Review by: Emily in Massachusetts

We Switched to World's Best After a Horror Story With Arm & Hammer

I have been using World's Best since I adopted my rescue Maine Coon Mix almost 2 years ago.

When I first brought my (approximately) 1 year old adopted ginger & white boy home from the shelter where I volunteer, I had a box all set up for him with some of the leftover Arm & Hammer clumping litter.

I'd always used it for my previous two shorthair tabby girls, no problem.

My new boy Figaro used the box just fine, but was quite a "digger" after doing his thing.

He has long hairs between his toes, and within a few days, however, I discovered he'd gotten a small clump of It stuck in the middle of one paw and it had hardened like cement.

He couldn't get it out, and neither could I, even after soaking his paw in warm water.

We ended up at the animal hospital ER where they had to sedate him, remove the clump, and he had to have a small laceration in his paw stitched up!

That really scared me (and $472 later!!), so we don't use any hard clumping litter at ALL.

World's Best clumps well enough enough to scoop, but it doesn't harden and get stuck in Figaro's paws.

It does track more than I would like, and has a very little bit of dust; but he and the second medium haired girl I adopted both use it fine and no one gets hurt.

Not the best odor control, but I add a tiny sprinkle of Arm & Hammer litter deodorizer or just some plain baking soda over it which helps--and both cats are using just one jumbo box.

I use the red bag multi-cat version and mix in a little bit of their "lavender" (purple bag), which isn't really very lavender but has a pleasing scent that the cats don't seem to mind.

I completely change and thoroughly wash the box with white vinegar mixed with a little scent-free dish liquid each week, so we do go through a lot of litter.

Thankfully, as we live up 3 flights of stairs, I can get it delivered and brought all the way up by a local grocery delivery service.

Worlds best advanced natural litter

Review by: Peter

I have used this for two years now and it is awesome. I have the box by the front door in the living room. I have a Maine Coon.

It clumps well and is low tracking (I put a folded beach towel under the box to catch what little amount the cat takes with her when leaving the box).

I change it out about every two months (I get a large and a small bag. Using all of the large and half of the small.

When the small bag is used up, that's when I wash the box and put in new litter).

Once a week I sweep any litter on the carpet near the box under the towel and vacuum and put down a clean towel when I change it.

As for the smell, I used clay for decades and the smell was the same. Food has a lot to do with odor. The other benefit is there is no dust.

Indeed, The Best Kitty Litter!!!

Review by: Jill in Mission, KS

I love this & so do my cats! They have a lavender scented one that I like better that just the plain. It's everything my kitties & I want from a good litter. Absolutely sold!!!

Minky, My Maine Coon

Review by: Francine in NJ

My 5 month old Maine Coon uses this with no problems. He is on a raw meat diet, so there are never any litter box odor issues at all. Would recommend it.

It *is* the world's best!

Review by: Dave
I've used World's Best for years... it clumps great, handles odors wonderfully, and has never caused a problem with the toilet pipes.

by: Maine Coon Cat Nation
Hi Dave,
Thanks for sharing! It's good to hear that you've had success with it!

Didn't Like

fluffy brown tabby kittyMy bud Garvy

Review by: Dennis in South Dakota

The performance is no better than any other and the chance of infesting your home food supply with flour weevils is great.

Also, you must remember, GMO corn (stalk and all) is now registered as a pesticide.

If the corn they use to make this is of GMO variety your cat is inhaling and exposing himself to pesticides that have no health exposure history.

Love It

Review by: Fran

Well I truly love this kitty litter!! It is easy to scoop out and it's flushable it clumps really well!!

But the only negative is that they do track it out of the box but I have my little dust pan and brush.

Handy plus my little electric broom!! I have tried one with wheat but didn't like it as well! For me it truly is excellent cat litter and my two kitties love it too!!!

Seems To Work

Review by: Jill in Central Calif Coast

I've mixed it with clay litter and will end up using only World's Best. Cat doesn't seem to have a problem with it but going to all World's Best will be the deciding factor.

Love It

Review by: Paige Small in Fresno CA

The day I changed to World's Best, Sweets had absolutely no problem adjusting to it.

I threw the clay litter in the garden & will never use it again. This product is far superior to any type of cat litter I've ever used.

World's Best Cat Litter?

Review by: Doug in Ohio, USA

When we use clay base they (3 of them) drag it all over the house. They shake their feet all the time trying to get the clay out of their feet.

When we went to "the Worlds Best" that all went away. The hall is cleaner, the carpet is cleaner.

They have't told me whether they like it or not but they all use it with no problems, no foot shaking, and I don't have to sweep the hallway ever other day. It's good.

It's Awesome

Review by: Dawn in Tampa, Florida

I've tried several different types and wasn't crazy about them.

Went to petsmart and a woman from the Worlds's Best cat litter company was there doing a demonstration.

I loved it. I bought two bags. I've been using it for years. It clumps really well and my cats like it. easy to scoop. No odor. A little pricy, but worth it.

Andre prefers World's Best

Review by: Randy Marrs in Asheville, NC

Ever since we rescued our Maine Coon from our local animal shelter, we've used nothing but World's Best.

He has absolutely no problem with it. I scoop it as soon as Andre does his business, there's no odor, no litter dust & no mess.

My only con, is the high price, but in the long run, it's a small price to pay for it's convenience, lack of noticeable dust & natural ingredients.

Nothing but the Best for our girls!

pretty silver maine coon cat laying on purple bedspreadMysty

Review by: MJ in Katonah, NY

I have used many "natural" products, clumping and non. Clay litters are a thing of the past, too messy.

World's Best Cat Litter (multi-cat) has become our #1.

When our store doesn't have it in stock, we have purchased other clumping cat litters, and then regret the purchase. Many clumping corn and pine litters don't hold up as well as World's Best.

They break apart, if not scooped directly under tight clumps. Many have an artificial oder control smell.

Our Maine Coon was very fussy about one particular brand (now forgotten). So much so, she was messing outside the box.

I clean daily, morning and night and change the box once a week. World's Best truly is Best in our house and our cats took to the change without issue.

Only Use Non-Clumping Litter

brown tabby maine coon mix catAndy

Review by: Bill C in Ocala, FL

Haven't tried WBCL and judging from comments, don't plan to. Have used non-clumping Tidy Cats for several years and both our 12 yo Maine Coon (died in 2010) and our 1.5 yo like it.

Box gets cleaned of #2 at least twice a day and the box stirred at least that often. Litter is completely changed every week.

Get the feeling that clumping products are more for the convenience of the cat owner (hate that term).

Tidy Cats uses diatomaceous earth, much like the sand and dirt a cat would use in nature. Guess I need an explanation as to why corn or pine would be more natural for cats.

The Best Clumping Cat Litter

Review by: Ed in Colorado

Almost four years ago, we picked up two kittens at the shelter and were given coupons for free bags of World's Best at the local feed store.

Being owned by cats for all of my 40 (or so) years, several different litters have attempted to live up to "the best" I have ever used.

I will say, a coupon led us astray of the all-natural to scented, but only once.

No savings is worth the loss of the all-natural sweet smell of the original variety. I sometimes exchange more litter than needed because of the smell!

The World's Best Cat Litter has lived up to the name in a stunning manner! Unless it is discontinued, we will never use another. It is the best cat litter ever made.

New Cat Mama

ginger kitten and dog laying together

Review by: Leelee in Bermuda

I love World's Best. I am a new cat mama, so I got plenty of advice from the breeder.

I like the smell of the fresh litter, and even the used stuff isn't bad. My little (big) boy has trained me to scoop twice a day (although it could be to stop his puppy sister from eating it!), so there is no chance of an unpleasant smell build up.

I did just realize a few days ago, that it can be flushed, so another easy cleanup bonus!

World's Best Cat Litter

Review by: Helen in Bronx, NY

No problem with odor control. I scoop and flush any time there is anything in the box.

I have tried other brands of corn litter because World's Best is pricey, but the others tried are not as good.

No perfume, no chemicals, good for cats and good for environment. Now I won't buy anything that isn't flushable or that gives off unhealthy silica dust or contains perfume.

World's Best is the best in my experience.

World's Best Cat Litter ... yes it is!

Review by: Amy in Texas

We made the switch to natural cat litter ten years ago. It worked great and then my friends and myself think the company changed up the clumping formula a bit.

Back then it did not clump as well and the odor control was lost. We scoop twice a day. We had to do something.

I had heard about World's Best natural cat litter. It was a bit more expensive than what we were using. And the WBCL came in bags that weighed less. But once again, we had to do something!

When it comes to different types of cat litter, I learned eons ago that it doesn't matter what I think. If the cats don't like it.....well, they just won't use it. So we purchased several of the largest bags of World's Best.

We started off in a couple of litter boxes. The kids loved it! It clumped like a champ. And I haven't found anything that controls odor better.

Interestingly enough, it cost more for a bag that weighed less, but in the end we used way less per month. So in the end we saved money!

We just tried the new lavender scent WBCL........started off putting it in one box. And it was a hit around here.

I say if you haven't tried World's Best Cat Litter, give it a try. We are so happy we did. And the "kids" are happy too!

Ziggy the piggy
by: Lainie
My male Maine Coon weighs 15 lbs. at 6 months. He very tall too and can reach over top of the kitchen counters.

He eats fancy feast 3 X's per day and always has dry food available. If he is still hungry, he will go after the poodle's dry food. Is this normal???

The Cons

Review by: Pamela B. in Brooklyn

About a month ago Invested in the World's Best Cat Litter. It was on sale at Target and so I said, "What the heck let's try it."

While I liked the concept I noticed right away that although my cat used it, he would not use the litter to cover up.

The next problem occurred because my daughter who takes care of the cat did not always clean it immediately after the cat used it, therefore each day when I came home from work I was assaulted by litter box odor.

This resolved itself when I began the task of cleaning. I would be concerned about leaving the cat alone for a few days. I could only imagine...

The final issue is what has ended my use of the product (at least until winter). Flies seem to love the product and I began seeing tons of flies in my home and hovering around it.

I believe they laid eggs in it! As a result I have switched back over to Fresh Step- at least for now.

Overall I love the concept and will try it again in the cooler weather.

by: Gail (Quincy, MA, USA)

I'm no fan of this brand of litter either. We use it at the shelter and I still hate it.

What makes it work at the shelter, though, is that the boxes are cleaned every shift - at least twice per day and usually 3-4 times on Saturday since that is adoption day.

When my Sadie was with me, I found a product called "Cedarific" - it goes for about $4.99 for 10lbs at Stop & Shop Supermarket.

It's new and recycled cedar chips - very soft and smells nice. The downside is that unless you've got a 'clean your paws' tray outside of the box, you end up with cedar chips all over the house.

Since Abby has joined our happy home, I continue to use this brand. Abby loves it and revels in burying her #2, LOL!

With this, all you need to do is sift the solid waste out. The liquid is absorbed by the soft cedar chips and bugs don't seem to bother - probably because bugs don't like cedar.

After about a week, I change out the entire box because by that time, the urine will begin to smell, so I just dump it.

With an oversized litter box (Abby is 13lbs!), one bag of lasts 2-2.5 weeks. Not bad.

Hmmm you are right
by: Busters mom

I didn't think about the fact that my cats don't cover #2 either. #1 handles itself. Hmmm I was happy with the less amount of litter outside the box.

I got one of the under bed containers for storage with sides taller than normal litter pans but no cover which was too short for Buster, and began using that for the box when Buster was just tooooo big for regular pans.

I put the lid down as the wipe yer paws and shake area.

I clean it 4 or 5 times during the day and once when I get home from work so just realized I clean it more cuz I smell it more.

I Love The World's Best Cat Litter

Review by: Allison in Denver, CO

I've been using the World's Best Cat Litter for many years since it arrived on the market.

Even though I only have one cat (15 pounds), I use the multiple cat formula because it does clump better.

I scoop once a day, and sometimes twice if I'm home and the cat "poops" while I'm there (because of the odor of the fresh poop).

I keep the box in the first floor bathroom. I spend the majority of my time on the first floor and entertain there.

I've never experienced a problem with odor, and when I come home every evening, it does not smell like a cat lives there! The biggest drawback for me is its cost.

But for me, the pros outweigh the cons, and I never use any other type.

Worlds Best Cat Litter
by: Rose

I have not seen or tried this brand, the advertised cost is, well exorbitant. But, for my brood clumping cat litter leaves sandy pieces outside the box.

So I tried Feline Pine which doesn't leave a feetsie track trail. How does WB work in that way. I do have multiple cats so that is one difference we have.

Comment re: tracking
by: Allison

My cat is a big kicker, so I use a big box with high sides.

Nevertheless, there is always some tracked outside the box, but it is never "clumped" wet litter, only dry granular litter.

World's Best Cat Litter Tracks Everywhere!

Review by: Leanne in Indianapolis, IN

I have two Maine Coons. I felt WBCL provided decent (but not great) odor control and my cats took to it right away.

However, the odor control is certainly better than regular clay litter and cheapo scooping types.

My complaint- due to it's light weight my heavily coated cats manage to carry it wherever they go.

I had World's Best in my bed, on counters, in the windowsill, etc., and in large volume too.

I haven't used it in months for that reason but still find bits of it. Friends with "regular sized" cats without long hair don't seem to have this problem.

Another issue I've read about in an article written by a cat vet is that some cats are highly allergic to it because corn is a common allergen.

I agree
by: JulieC
I find this true as well.

I thought I would try Feline Pine clumping because of coupons and rebates. I am sleeping it, and, I feel like walked in a litter war everyday when I come home.

Big Boxes
by: Helen
I use a big plastic container for the box. This serves two purposes. First, the tall sides keep more of the pellets of the Feline Pine in the box with aggressive digging. Second, the tall sides keep my papillons from "gleaning" the box. They won't jump into the box, only look over the sides.

Wooden are worse
by: Kris
I actually have an opposite experience.

Before I tried World's Best Cat Litter I've been using Cat's Best Eco Plus, which is a wooden clumping litter, and it was carried absolutely everywhere by my two Maine Coons - the bed, kitchen, not to mention the bathroom looking like a sawmill.

When I switched to World's Best there was no more litter everywhere - a piece or two in the bathroom and that's it.

Worlds Best Litter?

Review by: Jim in Idaho

I just wanted to let you know that this product is worthless! After the first day of use the cats started eating the clumps instead of their favorite food.

It also had a musty stomach turning stench to it that next morning.

As for the REBATE they offer... it's a scam. They said the proof of purchase (UPC) I submitted did not contain a Valid Product number!!! DAAAAH I have no way of controlling what THEY print on their bags!

I do not expect any replies. I just wanted to alert interested personnel about this product.


Sorry to Hear About It
by: Maine Coon Cat Nation
Hi Jim,
I'm sorry to hear about your experiences. Your frustration comes through loud and clear.

Not all cats will go for all types of litters. At least you tried. As for the rebate, I just don't know...


World's Worst Litter
by: Anonymous
In general, most rebates are just sales gimics. The Rebate concept dates back to the 70s' when car sales were in a deep slump (sound familiar?).

Their goal is to deceive you into purchasing the product with the understanding that you will be partially reimbursed from the company, or a third party.

Their main intention is to derive sales, but the underlying intention is to get your personal information which they then sell to other marketing agencies.

Rule of thumb: If they don't offer you an immediate rebate right there at the point of sale, then walk away from the offer!

As for World's Worst ... I'll avoid it!

Tips and Guidelines for Redeeming our rebate
by: Drew--From World's Best Cat Litter Company

Hey Everyone,
Sorry to hear that some of you have experienced problems with the rebate. I can assure you that this is not a scam.

We are trying to help people try out the litter for the first-time by offering a free bag. We put a lot of time in researching ways to offer a rebate before coming up with the current process.

If you find a better example of a free product rebate we would certainly love to take a look at it and consider it for next time.

Recently we just posted some guidelines and tips for ensuring your rebate it fulfilled. If these are followed, every rebate will be honored. To review these guidelines please visit http://jit.ly/_0UjQa .

Thank you.

World's Best vs Feline Pine

Review by: Suzanne

First of all, and not to sound preachy, but nobody should expect to scoop litter only once a week! EEK! It should be done once a day, and preferably twice.

I've got three cats, and it's amazing how much poop they can produce in a day. Ever notice how the cats rush to their boxes right after you've finished scooping? That's because they like clean litter.

I have used World's Best, but found the cats tracked it around a lot. That may just be my cats-- they're all diggers and really root around in their boxes--but I like Feline Pine a lot better.

I think it controls odors better, and because it's sawdust pellets there isn't as much tracking. The cats had no difficulty at all getting used to it.

I live in New York City, so flushing pine litter in to a big city sewer system isn't a problem.

At my weekend house in the country I take the cat waste out and dump it in the field--while it's biodegradable, it wouldn't be a good idea to be loading it into the septic tank.

I'd also wonder about the flush-ability of World's Best for people who have a septic system.

It's certainly much better than clay litter. It doesn't produce dust which is so bad for cats (and humans, too) to be inhaling, and it controls odor better without a lot of chemicals.

Best Cat Litter

Review by: June Lueders in Callahan, Fla 32011

I love this brand because it WORKS GREAT and is dust-free litter. I sew a lot and the cat box is my sewing room. And it doesn't cat my stuff dirty.

Thanks June Lueders in Callahan Fla.

I am trying to get coupon

Was Number One - Now Last Resort - 2020

Review by: Yvette in Chesapeake, VA

This used to be an excellent product that I dearly loved. However, the last several purchases have been horrible, mostly dust.

My Maine Coons will use the box and sit down in the living room and poof! a cloud of dust enters the room from their backside.

I can only assume they have changed their formula and gone for a cheaper product. Horrible.

It's the Worlds Best Cat Litter.... For sure! !!!!

Review by: Alison Oatis in Denver Colorado

I bought this at The Dumb Friends League when I got Eli.

Eli had no problems changing over when he came home with me. I have had cats most of my life, and this is the greatest! !!

It is so easy to scoop up and throwing it in the toilet is the best!

I keep the box in my tub. I vacuum up at the end of the day, that's if there is any spillage, this is the first time I have ever put a box in the bath room tub, but it's the greatest idea.

When I shower I take it out, clean up a bit then go on and get in.

No I have not BUT

Review by: Deb in CA

I am allergic to corn and anything that has to do with corn. I read there is corn in this.... I would love to try it but when and where corn is used I have to stay away from it.

I would love to use something that is sooo well liked. I hate what I use now (but its the best I have found so far) and all that I have tried. And the kitty boxes haven't been too good.

My Cats are too big for them. I think because I give more raw food and canned food.

Well my cats pee sooo much it makes big clumps that are hard to pick up and litter does not soak up liquid.

If you have any ideas for me I will listen..


Customer Review

Review by: Chris in Newberg Oregon USA

From the first day I tried World's Best Cat Litter I've never used anything else. Clumps very quickly and is very easy to keep clean.

My cats have never had a problem with it and I switched from a pine pellet litter.

The worst thing ever is to climb into bed and find litter has been tracked into the bed. This product tracks very little.

I have a huge Maine Coon that insists on using a small box with a hood. Yes I find a small amount outside of the box but it is a very small amount. I love it.

Different Needs

Review by: Anonymous

Tried this and sorry to say, a big No from me. I found odor unpleasant, and it was dusty. Cats not too happy.

I agree that most clay litter is too dusty and I hate scented type. I discovered Boxiecat brand.... many vet awards, about 2 years ago. No dust, scent, muddy bottom of box... only slight amount on fuzzy MC cat's paws.

BUT no matter what kind is used...CLEAN AFTER USE..or at least daily.

Empty all and wash bottom of the litter box every 1-2 weeks, put new litter in.

You wouldn't leave a baby in a soiled diaper or not flush a toilet... your kitty deserves the same clean environment.

I am sending a personal opinion...no connection w/ any products.

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