Sons of Horus Cattery

Maine Coon Cattery in São Paulo (SP) Brazil

Are you looking for Maine Coon cats for sale in Brazil? You will want to check out Sons of Horus, a young Maine Coon Cattery in Brazil.

We recently had a chance to sit down with Heidi Mathias for a virtual interview. Get to know Sons of Horus, and their beautiful Maine Coon cats!

stunning brown tabby maine coon cat loungingThor

Spotlight On Sons Of Horus Maine Coon Cattery

Hi Heidi! It's very nice to meet you. First, let me say thank you for taking the time to share your experiences with us.

How long have you been breeding Maine Coon Cats, and how did you get started?

I've been breeding Maine Coon Cats since 2010.

I always loved cats but my parents never let me have one, only dogs. (which I love, too!).

heidi mathias from sons of horus cattery with her maine coon at a cat showHeidi with James T. Kirk

When my youngest son was five years old, a cat (we called him "Toullouse") came from the street and started to live in our garden.

We decided to adopt him and that's how we started to take care of abandoned cats.

Then, in 2000, due to my husband's business, we moved to California. We had to find new homes to all of the eighteen cats we had.

Luckily, we found nice homes to all of them, but we kept one, Vanessa, a Siamese female that stayed with my cousin Ana.

After two years we came back to Brazil and took Vanessa with us again. But when Vanessa was seventeen, she died of a heart attack.

We started to look for another cat and we bought Thor, a beautiful and lovely six months old neutered Maine Coon.

Since then, we fell in love with this wonderful breed, learned about them and started to bring Thor and other Maine Coons we bought from very good and professional catteries to cat shows.

Only last year we decided to open a cattery and started to breed Maine Coons. It has been such a wonderful experience to us. We learn a lot with them.

red silver maine coon cat with coonie care crash course offer.

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bruno mathias of sons of horus cattery with thor the maine coon at a cat showBruno Mathias with Thor

Do you show your cats?

Yes, my cats take part on several FIFe cat shows in Brazil, won prizes and I learned a lot about Maine Coon breeding before I started my cattery.

Even though I was experienced on cats, I think it's important to study and learn about the breed you are interested to start breeding.

And Maine Coons are a new breed in Brazil, so I learned a lot with veterinarians and experienced breeders.

Do you show your cats?

I show my cats on a regular bases and feel this is and important activity for all breeders to engage in.

Keeping up with the standard and any possible issues that may arise with any breed is key to a healthy program.

Joining breed clubs also helps to understand breed specific organization (CFA, TICA) rule changes or legislative mandates.

What organizations are you a member of?

I'm a member of two cat clubs in Brazil: Clube Brasileiro do Gato (Brazilian Cat Club) and Amacoon (Maine Coon Breeders Association).

Both are affiliated to the FFB (Brazilian Feline Federation) and FIFe (International Feline Federation - France).

Tell us a little bit about your cattery:

My cattery is small. We raise our cats at home, and everyone is special and part of our family.

I still have some abandoned cats that are adopted by us and are loved and considered as special as our Maine Coons.

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brown and white maine coon looking downSeti

We have a very good friend, Andrea, who is a vet and Norwegian Forest cat breeder, who is our cattery veterinarian. ( Our cats are free to go around the house.

They never go outside and we don't raise them inside cages. Due to their nice behavior, it's easy to teach them how to behave. Our females give birth once a year.

The kittens are kept with the mother until 4 months old, when they are able to eat and be independent.

Andrea, as a certified veterinarian and cat breeder, takes care of their health even before they are born, assist the mother when giving birth and until the day they go to a new home.

All the kittens are adopted neutered. If my clients live nearby São Paulo, Andrea stays as their vet, because she knows the kittens very well.

What kind of health screening do you do?

I think it's important to have a healthy kitten and I do all I can to guarantee to all my clients that they will have a nice little baby cat to adopt.

All the kittens and their parents are HCM tested (at Washington State University), FIV and FELV negative and have all the vaccinations and health care needed.

What do you look for in a potential new family for your kittens?

That they will love the kittens as much as I love them and will give them a safe home. If I don't trust they will do it, I prefer to keep the kittens with me.

Do you ever have retired cats available?

Not yet. Maybe, in the future. But I prefer to keep them with me, as long as possible. They are my babies... if some day I will have retired cats available, the new dad or mom who will adopt him or her must be lovely and responsible people.

How often do you have kittens, and how should someone contact you?

Every female gives birth once a year. Now, I've retired two ladies and I have four new girls who I'm planning to mate next year.

To get in contact with me is simple: just e-mail me and I'll be glad to answer any questions about my cattery (Sons Of Horus) and my cats.

Do you currently have any upcoming or planned litters, or available kittens?
Yes, next year I'm planning 4 litters, one with every female : Coockie, Mitzee, Afrodite and Bonnie.

What is your favorite trait or characteristic of the Maine Coon Cat breed?
Their sweet behavior and, of course, their beautiful appearance and size.

Is there anything else you'd like to add?
I'm really happy to exchange ideas and know people like you who are really cat lovers. I think we can learn a lot with the animals. They are God's gift to us. Thank you, I'm glad to be part of the Maine Coon Cat Nation!

More About Thor:

Thor, our first Maine Coon cat, is a sweet boy. I'm a teacher and I usually take him to school to show the kids how to take care of a pet cat and all about being responsible and never abandon a pet when he gets old or sick.

The pets are living beings and not toys. Most children had never touched a cat before because many people are afraid about cats.

So, I usually let them touch Thor, hold him in their arms and learn how nice a cat can be. I also always get flyers about pet care and give to the children. They love to read everything because I explain that is "a message from Thor to them".

thor the maine coon visiting children in a classroom

For more information about Sons of Horus Maine Coon Cats, or to see lots of beautiful pictures, or find out whether there are kittens available, make sure to visit them soon!

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