Maine Coon Maybes

Come meet Maxwell, Oliver, Mochi, Simba, Sookie, Mika, George, Moose, Smokey and so many more in our 2022 album of Maybe-Maine Coons.

These owners are looking for feedback - what do you think?

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by Darlene

fluffy tabby kitten collage

Could He Be a Coon Mix?

Maxwell is a beautiful rescue baby. No idea on his lineage.

Beautiful boy!
by: Anonymous
It is possible he could have Maine Coon in him, but the only way to know for sure is by seeing the parents and getting a pedigree from a reputable breeder.

His appearance is similar to to some Maine Coons. I would like to point out that the "M" on the forehead is indicative of the tabby pattern and not necessarily being a Maine Coon.

Domestic short-haired cats can also have the classic "M" on their foreheads as well if they have the tabby pattern.

You have a gorgeous sweet boy and if you think he is a wonderful kitten that could have Maine Coon in him, ultimately, that is what matters. He is beautiful and looks like a sweet kitty! šŸ˜

He's got the look
by: Eva
Maxwell is beautiful and of what I know of Maine Coons he has the M on his brow, above the eyes.

Maxwell's age
by: Darlene
I forgot to note that he is approx 15 weeks now. The pics I posted range from 12-15 weeks. He's a beautiful mush. :)

What A Cutie!
by: Wendy
From the photos you've posted, I'd bet a month's pay and say he's at least half Maine Coon! My boy is "part Maine Coon", and displays so many MC traits, both physical and in his personality. You're blessed to have each other. Catty Holidays! :)

Oliver 10months old

tiger and white kitty under a sheet
closeup cat's paw toe tufts
tiger and white cat on top of fridge
brown and white cat lounging on a bench

Hi! I adopted Oliver from a foster mom. She told me he was part mainecoon.

He has the layered fur around his neck, long tufts on his paws (so much where he slips on the tile when zooming), he has a long bushy tail, he is about 27 inches from nose to tail tip.

two photos of cute brown tabby with white kitty

He enjoys getting into a tub of a few inches of water and wading around. He follows me around all day, is very good with my child, and mousing.

He chirps more than he meows. I have been quite obsessed with finding out his breed without the expensive DNA test, your feedback would be appreciated!

could be Norwegian
by: Anonymous
The Norwegian Forest cats have tails longer than their body, males in particular and front legs than shorter the back ones for tree climbing...

Legend has it that Norwegians came over the north with Vikings... down to Maine and mated .. creating the Maine Coon.... but there's more...

Is my feral barn cat a feral Maine Coon Mix?

by Carleen

cute brown tabby kitten with paws outstretched

We took Tank in at about 5 weeks old. His feral mother was killed and her litter was left alone.

He was under 1 pound, starving, and feral. He now 5 months old and the most unusual cat I have ever had. Very strong hunting instincts, plays fetch, wears a harness, walks on a leash, goes on car rides, makes odd chirp noises, loves our dogs, and is social.

He also plays aggressively! Almost like he doesn't know boundaries, play bites can get rough.

But he's also extremely loving and drapes himself on us. His fur is very downy and soft.

People frequently note that his looks and personality are quite unusual and ask if he's half bobcat. Lol.

closeup of brown tabby kitten's face

Part breed
by: Anonymous

I think your cat is part Maine coon with the things you have said and his picture alone. I hope no matter what he is that he will receive love and the best care possible. Take care

Maine Coon Kitten?

brown tabby kitten
small brown kitten laying on tile floor belly up
young fluffy brown tabby kitty sitting on kitchen floor

This is Ris (Bobcat), found only a month old. He had some hair on his ears when he was smaller, but he also has microsporosis (and a lot of other issues).

He doesn't meow and before the brain damage, was the cuddliest, most gentle, so easy to deal with. He is 6 months old but I can't judge his size. Semi long hair, black paws and a yellow belly.


by Heather

handsome longhaired solid gray cat
gray cat sitting on laundry
gray cat siting on couch

Stray that we took in. Vet estimates him to be about 1yo. Already 13lbs, but a bit underweight. Definitely has temperament of Maine Coon. Thoughts?

by: Heather are so right!! I've never even heard of a Nebelung, but that's definitely him!

by: Sherry
This cat although beautiful is a Nebelung not a Maine Coon. It does have some mc in the breeding and most Nebelungs out there a natural and not pedigree. They have a lot of same temperaments. Look them up. Kitty even has the heart shaped grey nose.

He is identical to my Callen!
by: Lisa
My cat Callen is 12 years old, a stray from out on the Highway.

He was a tiny kitten and the vet thought that he may be a Russian Blue, but he is huge, and weighs in at 19 pounds! He is not fat and is very long and tall.

He is every bit as big as my Maine Coon Jack. He may be a Coonie!!!

Is Simba Part Maine Coon?

by Kelly
(North Carolina)

cute young ginger kitty hiding in a cabinet

Simba is 5 months old mix breed, he has very large paws and lynx type tuffs on his ears. I was wondering if he could be mixed. His facial features arenā€™t like most kittens.

Where in NC
by: MaineCoonMomx2
Good morning and thank you for sharing his lovely picture.

Wow, some people are being a touch mean to you. I guess there are breed snobs.

He does have some features which are correct, shape of ears, distance between them, paws, (does he have an extra digit so he can pick things up and throw them? Does he have tufts between his digits?)

Does he love water? Fascinated by bath tub? Does he trill? Unusually soft voice? I forgot to check his tail, is it very long and fluffy?

His hair is rather short but some kittens go through a stage of losing their fluff about now but it comes back in very full, one of mine needed fresh food for additional nutrients, during this growth phase. I would bet on a coon grandparent.

I ask where as I adopted 2 kittens a few weeks old, from the Avery County HS, which is near Blowing Rock NC. I had no idea what a MC was. But after several people thought they were MCs , I consulted a breeder, who said they definitely were. You can get a DNA test for $75.

A good idea to identify any breed specific issues. I have 2 awesome 100 percent MCs, weighing in at 26 pounds. I was truly blessed to find them accidentally as this breed has such unique personalities.

There is some one in that area who must have lost a female MC or is allowing their MC s outside. Mine where part of a liter brought in as stray.

The important thing is that you love him, not if he is "a thoroughbred ". You are to be applauded for asking, so that you will know what to expect, and any special needs. Peace and blessings to you both!

Part Maine Coon
by: Anonymous
No, you can look at any cat & find things that might look like a Maine coon, but big feet & tuff in the ears doesn't make it a part Maine coon. It's a very nice short hair domestic mix breed cat.

by: Anonymous
My vote would be yes, but my opinion probably isnā€™t worth much since I have what Iā€™m sure is a MC mix, but there are those who claim thereā€™s no such thing. Heā€™s a cute kitty. Have fun with him.

by: Nan Melcher
He does have the common characters of the MC breed, also he does have features of many MC too. I guess 50% MC.

by: Anonymous
Simba is adorable and I would say he definitely has Maine Coon in him.

Adorable Foundling

by Victoria
(Williamstown NJ)

cute brown tabby kitten on wood floorFirst pic
brown kitty on wall shelfOn his wall
brown tabby kitty hanging out on furniture with two large dogsMy cat Max with Sandy and Frannie
brown tabby kitty on a quilted bed

I found this kitten hanging around my parents back door

The cat is familiar with people and tried to get attention and get in the house for a couple of days.

He comes to people instead of running away like a feral. I took him home so he wouldnā€™t get killed on the highway.

I took him to the vet to treat his cold and the vet thought he looks like Maine Coon, then a second vet said the same.

He loves attention, and being around people and lets anyone hold him, loves to play, and very smart. He loves his cat tree, looking out windows and perching on shelves.

He has a healthy appetite and gain 1.5 pounds in 2 weeks. He is unable to meow, He opens his mouth but nothing comes out.

He does chirp and trill when he sees us. He has the M marking on his face, really long whiskers, green eyes, has markings like tiger stripes on his legs and face and spots on back and sides.

He was afraid of the two medium sized dogs that I have at first. I put him upstairs with a gate to keep the dog downstairs. I sat on the steps with cat while the dogs were on the other side of the gait and gave the cat and dogs treats.

As time went by the cat began to come downstairs on his own and now plays with the dogs. He begs for food with the dogs whenever the family eats. Everyone seems to get along.

He cooperated with vet examinations, nail trimming, brushing but didnā€™t like the bath. Heā€™s a wonderful family cat.

He's the family cat NEW
by: Victoria
Thank for inquiring about Max.

Although my plan was to keep him until we found a home, we have fallen in love with this cat and heā€™s here to stay.

Heā€™s got a wall of shelves in the family room to climb and hang out on and a bedroom upstairs so he can get away from the dogs if he wants. The dogs are young and full of energy so they can be a lot.

We have two big windows for him to perch and sleep in the sun and lounge in his cat grass. We were dog people but now we are dog and cat people. When I say "Do you want a treat" all three come running. It is just hilarious. Heā€™s a joy!

Is The Pet Available
by: Anonymous
I'm interested

Maine Coon Or Siberian?

by Mark

stunning tortie rescue cat
pretty girl cat sitting on a bed

We adopted a Medium Large Cat from a shelter. The paperwork said Maine Coon. We aren't so sure. I think it looks more like a Siberian Forest Cat.

She is about 16 pounds. Her tail is not as long as her body. She has round eyes. What do you think?

We did order a DNA kit just to know. Not that it matters because we are not giving her up.

What a Beauty!
by: Anonymous

I love how Maine Coons just give you "that look"!!
This beautiful cat is mainly Maine Coon - the ear tufts, heavier front leg bone structure and the mouth - MC cats have a distinctive "poofy " muzzle where Norwegian Forest Fir has a much more triangular shape. Love her coat - just a gorgeous cat!!

by: Emma Sykes
Beautiful Mainecoon nice ear tufts long jaw and those short legs she has , a beautiful Tri colour mainecoon. Eyes are oval shaped and point slightly upwards . Sheā€™s a beautiful mainecoon

I vote Maine Coon
by: Charlie the MC's Mom
His ears give him away. Those tufts! His face is also longer and more lean. Beautiful kitty.

Maine Coon or Siberian
by: Anonymous
I have had Maine Coons since 1974. If your cat is the silver-gray, she is a Maine Coon. You can usually tell by the ear tufts

Maine Coon or Siberian?
by: Wendy B.
I'm definitely seeing Maine Coon physical traits. If she's Siberian, you may find out with that DNA test. Lovely girl! Lucky you!


by Daniela
(Dublin, Ireland)

beautiful longhaired smoke colored kitty

We got Sweetie on the 16th October 2022 from her previous owner. She said sweetie is a pure breed Maine coon but because her face is very triangular, we are wondering if she is a mix, or if she is not a Maine coon at all. I would really appreciate if I could have some advice.

by: MaineCoonMomx2
Beautiful example of a smoke MC. The second most rare color of MC. I have never seen a brown smoke, however European and American breeds can have variability.

I see nothing that doesnā€™t say MC. Only a MC can give you that look which she has that strikes fear in the heart of non-cat-loving humans. It is not only the way she looks but how she looks.

I am so excited, you captured the look that mine give me all the time but I havenā€™t been able to get a picture of!!!! Awesome!! You made my day! From the mom of a black/silver smoke, and a black.

Re: Sweetie
by: Wendy B.
I've seen MCs with both triangular facial structures and more rounded. Gorgeous girl!

Yes - Definite MC
by: Leilia
Yes, she has a lot of Maine Coon Cat in her. Stunning, beautiful cat - love her Maine Coon ears and larger bone structure in her front legs - very MC.

Her coat and tail are outstanding examples of MC traits also. Hope this helps

Those ear tufts give her away...
by: Anonymous
I believe yes, she is a Maine Coon... unusual, but beautiful coloring... a gorgeous kitty!

Pretty girl
by: Emily H
She could be a mix but she definitely has some MC- a lot of MC) in appearance alone. Love those ears <3


by Tammy
(Shreveport, La)

tiger kitten on dining table
brown tiger kitten on wood floor
tiger kitten on floor with baseball
small kitten cuddling with other pets

Sookie is 12 weeks old and just the sweetest temperament. She stays with me and goes to whatever room Iā€™m in.

She prefers to lay by me and sleeps with me. She is always curious and tries to engage in what I am doing whether it be reading a book or typing on my laptop.

She is always pawing at the book and keys imitating me. She is quite nosey and likes to know what is going on in the house. I am so in love with her.

I feel that her Dad was Maine Coon because of her striking resemblance and personality. She has both ear and paw tufts. Beautifully Torbie Pattern and such a fluffy coat with mane.

Her mother is a short hair domestic with large ears. Father unknown. All the kittens look very different than mom. Let me know what you think?

fall designs in our etsy shoppe

Maybe Maine Coon

by Mike
(Portland Oregon)

two colorful maine coon cats in a living roomThe Kids

torbie girl catI find it very interesting that so many people have or think they have a Maine Coon mix.

The truth of the matter is that from what I found & been told from my research that the only way you get a Maine Coon is to go to a reputable breeder.

The way the breeders control the breed they say that to find a mix breed is very unlikely but you could, I'm sure there are some out there.

That you have a better chance finding a purebred one in a shelter due the fact that someone just got rid of one or one got out & ended up in a shelter.

I have a cat that just showed up in my back yard and wouldn't leave, he must have not liked where he lived or was just dropped off.

He's now an indoor cat, 20lbs & a Red and everyone that see him is convinced it's a Maine Coon.

I do too but I don't know for sure. He's a great cat & that's what matters. Ollie

He has all of the attributes Of a Maine Coon but who knows & I don't care.

But he got me interested in the breed so I went and found a breeder and bought one. It's the most wonderful & different cat I have ever owned. She is a Torbie color.

There are so many cats that have similar features and traits that you could say they are all mix Maine Coons but not so they are just a mix breed cat and they are wonderful.

All cats are Great so it doesn't matter.

But once you have/had a purebred Maine Coon you will know the difference. This is just my take on it & I'm not trying to offend anyone.

Added thoughts to my previous rant
by: Mike

I see a lot of pictures of different cats that people want to think they might be a mix or a purebred.

They all might have one, two, or 3 features that are common with a Maine Coon but that doesn't mean that they are a mix. Look at the Norwegian Forest Cat -They look Like a Maine Coon but smaller.

So some of those cats could be part Forest cat, but people want it to be a Maine Coon.

you can find/see a lot of cats that have some of those looks but they are just a mix breed and that's O K. Over my 70 plus years I always had a cat & multiple cats and none of them were a purebred.

They were a mix of multiple breeds & they were great cats.

We used to call them alley cats which I'm told is not the correct term to use any more. But... As I've said all cats are unique and wonderful and it's O K to have a mixed breed/alley cat.

So I'm not understanding why it seem so important to have or think you have a Mix Maine Coon.

Is it a better cat if it's part Maine Coon? I don't think so, it's just a mixed breed (alley cat) cat and they are unique because they are a cat.

I went and got purebred Maine Coon & now that I have had one I can tell you it's different than any of the dozens of cats I've had over the years.

When I want to get another cat I will get a purebred Maine Coon because it is a purebred & they are unique. You won't know how different a Maine Coon is until you have a one.

I didn't know but I do now & even if it is a mix it's not the same.
These are just my opinions.

I know it's a lot of money to buy a purebred Maine Coon & not everyone can do that. I saved for a long time but it was well worth it & I'd do it again

I know Maine Coons
by: Julia
I have two Maine Coon girls of my own. I got both of them from reputable breeders. I can usually spot a MC right off the bat.

The rectangular body and placement of the ears is a dead giveaway. I have seen cats that looked to be MC mixes, though, and they are very beautiful as well. All cats are precious in my eyes, especially the Maine Coons!


by Sherry Chestnut
(Strabane PA USA)

cute brown and white kittenI is da bomb
small tiger kitten on chairOk take pic
cute brown and white kitten belly up paws outI dares ya
cute tiger kitten fast asleepSeepy

Rascal is 5 months old super soft double coat long whiskers and ear hairs.

Long fluffy tail. Has a lot of the traits of a MC too. The lady we got him from said his visiting dad at her home is a Maine Coon.

Trills ... rarely meows... very playful and loving. Purrs at a drop of a hat. Follows me like a dog. So what do you think?


by Tammy

cute tabby kitten cuddling
brown and white kitten acting playful
female brown tiger kitten
closeup of brown tabby kitten

This sweet girl was adopted from a local neighbor who rescued Mom when she was pregnant from living outdoors.

She loves to talk and our local vet was the one who suggested she may be part Maine Coon. She also has extremely soft fur & a very fluffy tail. What do you think?

It's the Ears
by: Anonymous
Look at those huge ears.... definitely a Maine Coon.

by: Anonymous
My lil guy I just recently got...Rascal... he's part Maine Coon has same look as your baby. I wish I could attach a pix of him

Sylvester the Kitty!

by Larissa P
(New Hampshire, USA)

closeup of sleepy black and white kitty
black and white cat looking dreamy-eyed
black and white cat stretched out

Sylvester was found in a kill shelter. We don't know his birthdate but we assume him to be 12 weeks old based on the shelter and fosters records.

He was neutered and had up to date vaccines. He's got the distinctive coat and ears, and as I've researched the breed, he has every tendency!

Loves water, loves to chase things on the ground and can't really jump too well, absolutely wants to be in our business and shows us more love than we could have ever asked for!

We go to the vet next week and will likely receive clarity, but figured I would post my little guy!

by: Carmen Fernandez
I had Maine Coon mix for 15 years. He was such a sweetheart. He looked just like Sylvester

I miss him so much.

I would love to adopt another one. I got him at the Helen Woodward animal rescue in San Diego. The do such a wonderful job there.

He is a tuxedo coon!
by: lolieshell
Beautiful baby! Is he yours or are you selling him. I had a Tuxedo cooner with a Hitler mustache. He was my love for 16 years. Lost him 12 yrs ago..still miss him.

by: Pat
Handsome boy! Good luck with him.

Love him
by: Anonymous
Beautiful. Good luck and enjoy

Smoke Coloration Maine Coon?

by Elizabeth
(Seattle, WA)

sleepy handsome smoke colored cat
fluffy cat sitting in windowsill
fluffy black smoke cat laying on floor

I adopted my cat in the spring of this year directly from his previous owner. The previous owner said that she believed that he was probably part Maine coon due to his behavior.

Reading more about Maine Coons here in regards to appearance, I began to think she might be right especially with the small details that were true to him such as the tufts of fur that grow between his toes like crazy.

Of course I'm still like maybe, maybe not, which is why I'm putting these pictures here.

by: Jan
He's beautiful & looks a lot like My cat Spanky who I think is a mix from his looks & actions.

Your Cat
by: Anonymous
I own a purebred Black Smoke Maine coon kitten about 6 months old and your cat looks like a purebred Black Smoke Maine coon by far.


by Denise Morlan
(North Platte, Nebraska US)

adorable cream and white kitten closeup
sleepy white and cream kitten cuddling on lap
cream colored kitten drinking from toilet
back of head of kitten looking away

Is Zaya a Full or Mix with a Siberian Forest?

My daughters boyfriends grandparents helped us get a kitten like theirs.

I thought she was Maine Coon, but I asked her what her breed was again and they told me Siberian Forest.

I think she's a mix of the 2 because she looks and acts like both breeds

Look at the nose
by: Anonymous
Look at her nose profile ..... Coonies have more of a curve, dip in their nose than Weegies do. Their nose is straighter.

Zaya's Breed(s)?
by: Wendy B.
I would say Maine Coon or MC mix, just based on the size of her paws! She's a cutie - you're blessed! :)

Alessio, Brazilian stray cat with luscious hair

by Alice

profile closeup of cute gray and white cat
gray and white cat sitting in kitchen
white and gray cat laying belly up
gray and white cat sitting on floor

Hi everyone! I think my stray might be a Maine Coon mix!

I'm Alice, and my beautiful cat is named Alessio. A friend of mine found him and I adopted him. He's so different from any of the various cats my family has!

He's super loving and loves laying with his belly up. We call him the protagonist, cause he needs to be present in everything that happens. Such a loyal partner, he comes to any adventures, loving to be in the bathroom when I shower and play with the water on the sink when I brush my teeth.

Alessio also shows a lot of love, kissing our hands and being at the door greeting us when we come home. He dislikes being alone and complain that missed us, and needs a cuddle time immidiately when I arrive home.

He's now 8 months and 3,8 kg (8,38 lb), recently castrated and still growing! He loves to hunt and have made victims around the yard, eating two baby birds whole, nothing left X-X we got sad at those occasions but he was the happiest creature on the planet, running around in a playful excitement.

He's very curious and loves to interact with everything. Plays a lot of soccer around the house with everything that rolls. He has double coat gray and white fur, with long fur on the tail and slightly wavy on the belly.

Oh, and the best part: his beautiful hair behind his ears! The tuft of fur is long and silky! I wish mine was that soft!

Thanks for your attention! I hope to hear your opinion!


by Dianne
(Pawtucket, RI)

shorthair tortoiseshell kitty profile
shorthaired female tortie cat sitting on counter
female tortie kitty on a cabinet
tortoiseshell cat laying on braided rug looking out glass door

I've been wondering for awhile now if my girl has Maine Coon in her.

She is 15 lbs and will turn 1 in September. She's a beautiful medium hair tortie with large round golden eyes.I adopted her from a local Aspca and they didn't give me any info on her breed.

Fluffy Boy

by Debbie Beavis
(Woodberry NSW Australia)

fluffy brown tabby cat
cute brown tabby kitten

Got him animal shelter when he 10 weeks and he was a bigger than normal kitten. He has large paws and when winter started he got more fluffy around the neck and ears, and more fluffy on his tail, stomach and very long rectangular body and he very gentle friendly cat


by Gabriella Lanzo
(Rhode Island)

young fluffy calico kitten
small soft calico kitten sitting

Samarah is a very active cat, she loves to run, jump and play fight with her sister Milan. Samarah is two months younger than Milan and is almost double her size! Although Samarah can be aggressive at times, she is also very gentle and loves to cuddle.

Maine Coon?

by Elizabeth
(Benicia, CA, USA)

brown tiger cat on flowered carpet
brown tiger cat gazing out window
brown tiger cat on bed

We adopted Leif from a rescue two years ago when he was 9 months old. The rescue had him listed as a main coon but said he could be Norwegian forest cat when I met him.

He is not as big as a main coon but still has a long body, long fur on his underside and he is a special cat! Very loving, he likes to be with us.

I've used a Cat Scanner app to see what breed he is and it comes back as about 90-99% main coon depending on the picture but I'm thinking he's at least a mix because he's not quite as large and doesn't have the ear points.

I've always thought his face shape was unique. It seems very triangular, not sure if that fits with being a main coon mix! What do you guys think?

Willy - A ā€œmaybeā€ Maine Coon Mix

by Ruth
(Cobourg, Ontario, Canada)

brown longhaired cat on a shelfCat on a Shelf

We have no idea of where this lovely boy came from. He was found as a maybe two month old kitten, cold and deserted on a cold December night.. You have featured him in the past, so this is just an update.

His first few years were spent in rural Ontario on a lake where he was free to roam and play in the water at the edge of the lake.

He never went far, and always came running when called. Almost always he would be sitting on the deck at 5:00 p.m. (Supper time maybe?).

Since those days, the Lake House has been sold, and we now reside in a small town in a Condo. At first the transition was a bit difficult as Willy thought that every time the patio door opened he could go out as usual.

He did manage to get out once, walked through the railing on the balcony and I thought he was going to jump. Thankfully it didnā€™t happen. Since then he has become quite accustomed to just sitting on window sills and watching the birds.

No more attempts at the patio door. Perhaps as he is now
older (7 this year)and wiser he is either just too lazy to make the effort, or considers ā€œdiscretion is the bette part of valourā€.

Willy is a great traveller and has been to Florida by car twice and once I flew with him. Not a peep out of him - as calm as can be.

Have never been sure as to his Maine Coon status, but he appears to have all the lovable traits of a Maine Coon except for his size, which I think is small for a Maine Coon.

An up-to-date picture is attached.
Ruth from Cobourg, Ontario,Canada.

by: Anonymous
Such a handsome cat. He sure has some MC traits.
Glad he transitioned to inside kitty. Smart boy.

Does Our Rescue Cat have Maine Coon Ancestry?

by Lacey France
(Lockport, Louisiana, USA)

fluffy white and black cat laying stretched outRalph is lying across a 30ā€ ottoman
black van cat with woman sitting at a tableRalph has impeccable table manners
fluffy black van cat posingFeatures of Ralphā€™s coat
two people cuddling a large black van cat

This is Ralph. He likes to hold conversations with humans and follow us around like a puppy.

He is huge (25+ lbs) and has a very unique personality. Nobody is a stranger to him and took to living with us very quickly.

We cannot believe anyone put him out of their house in swelteringly hot southeastern Louisiana.


by Karen
(Clinton, MA)

fluffy calico cat on a blue bedspread
pretty calico cat on a blue bed looking up
pretty calico cat sitting atop a scratching post
calico kitty playing with a toy on living room carpet

We got Stella from a local shelter in April. She was rescued in North Carolina but I donā€™t have any other information.

She had an eye infection that is tough to cure since she absolutely refuses to eat anything with the meds in it! Weā€™ve successfully got some eye ointment in, but itā€™s not easy!

She was friendly at the shelter, but became extremely skittish when we got her home. (Although she jumped in bed with us right awayā€¦so odd)

Sheā€™s improving slowly, but we did end up canceling a trip because I didnā€™t feel right leaving her so soonā€¦

Scarlett & Skimbleshanks

by Sheila
(Ontario, Canada)

red tabby kitty laying on side table with head hangingHeā€™s such a Goof ā˜ŗļø
longhaired black cat curled up on cat bedOur Little Miss PrissšŸ’—
fluffy orange tabby cat posingMy big boy ā£ļø
pretty blackhaired cat on a chairBaby GirlšŸ’•

These guys are a year now! We found them in our garage (the vet figured they were about 3-4 weeks at that time.

We had only seen the mom wandering around and couldnā€™t get near her! Didnā€™t even know she was pregnant. There were only 3 kittens. We kept two which were very bonded, the third one was given to my daughterā€™s friend who had her as a supportšŸ’—

A year old now, they are so different than any other cat Iā€™ve had! They listen, come when called, chatter back when you talk to themā€¦

Looking forward to a long life with these babes šŸ’

Maine pudding
by: Judy
Hi Iā€™m Judy from Maine. I have had 1 pure Mainecoon and 2 partial Mainecoons. They certainly look part Maine coon with their bushy tails and hair on the tips of each ear is common so is talking to you.

Have fun with the new family!


by Ahlisha
(Washington State US)

face closeup of brown tabby kitty
two cats laying together on couch
tiger with white kitty laying belly up on floor

This is Minsc. Heā€™s around 8 months old, and heā€™s named after a warrior that carries a hamster.

Heā€™s a super calm kitty, very reserved. He is quite shy around strangers. If more than 2 people are in my house that he isnā€™t familiar with, he hides.

He loves his buddy Frost, who is pictured beside him. Frost is about a year old. Minsc is notorious for jumping in the air for no reason. I always thought his ears and his fur resembled a mix of Maine coon.

Mellie Bellie

by Susanna Lyell

Iā€™ve had him since the day he was born, he was found under a large tree at a school and thought to be a dead rat at first. Heā€™s now a 7 week old, amazing, beautiful boy and the life of the house!

Matts Free
by: Viktor
Hello my Name is Hope! I just got a lion cut a week ago! Even so, I am a tigress, it feels good, not to have any matts...

I live with these older gentlemen, who got me from the human society, where he adopted me, when I was 5 years young at that time my name was "Dollface." He renamed me to my name I carry now!

I am the only animal in the house and I have the run of the home, I also have a little balcony in the front of the house! I love it out there, watching what, goes on in general.

Of course he closed the entrance to the staircase down to the garden and the street. Of course my owner is always keeping a watchful eye on me, because he loves me, and he is my protector. I will post a picture of me, as soon as I find out how to do it! For now until next time!

Is my Shadow a Maine Coon?

by Sonya
(Atlanta, GA, USA)

brown shaggy cat on carpet
brown medium hair cat

He has lots of Maine Coon traits. We got him as a kitty from a Craigā€™s list ad.

Maine Coon?

by Rob
(Colorado Springs, CO)

pretty fluffy calico kitty

Hello, we adopted our cat about two months ago and think she might be a Maine Coon or a mix.

We would like an opinion. She's a beautiful huge cat. Thank you!

Weegie trait
by: Anonymous
A trait of a "Weegie" is that they are not quite as lay back as Coonies and like to do a lot of climbing up on high places. Sound like yours?

Coonies are more content around sofa level most of the time, but will get up on their cat tree to snooze and relax.

Not a Maine Coon
by: Anonymous
Norwegian Forest Cat mix. Google purebred Maine Coon traits and you'll see why. So many people think they have Maine Coons. And they don't. Most are mixed with Norwegians. Beautiful, big cats! Just not a Maine Coon.

Is Cheech a Maine Coon Mix?

by Pamela McGlothlen

brown tiger medium hair kitty
brown kitty laying belly up
fluffy brown tabby cat lounging on floor

I adopted Cheech a short time ago from a woman who had him since kittenhood, her vet said he is Maine Coon mix.

Purple Pic
by: Andy Mathisen
I would say from that Purple Pic that he certainly has the mane, the ears and all the majesty of a Maine Coon. A lovely fella!

diet anyone???????????????
by: Debbie
He's a beautiful chubby little boy!!!!!!!!! Looks just like the Maine Coon my sister use to have Stormy. I have a gray with 4 white paws and white bib Maine Coon Porter. She's beautiful!!!!

Loves water always in the bath tub as I leave the water to trickle so they can drink cold fresh water at their desire. I use to get her shaved with the mountain lion cut but the older she gets I don't bother any more cause she's not a big as she use to be.

And what a hassle it is to brush her!!!!!! She sees the brush runs under my bed where I can't reach her. Porter shares her home with Gunther orange tabby, I call him my boyfriend since I don't have one, and Lil Boy 8 month old Tuxedo.

Never a dull moment here.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful Cheech with all of us.
Debbie Mitchell Bristol,CT


by Keri

portrait of brown and white mixed maine coon
brown tabby cat stretched out on floor

Weā€™ve Always Wondered About Mulder

soft brown and white longhaired cat

My sweet giant goofball literally showed up on my doorstep in a rainstorm a few years ago on the day after thanksgiving as a 6-7 month old kitten.

He was cold, hungry, muddy, in-tact and un-microchipped and ran up screaming at me to pick him up.

At the time I thought he was just a cute little fluffball who made silly sounds and wouldnā€™t get much bigger (despite my vet saying ay his neuter appointment that he seemed to have comically oversized paws to grow into) but then he started growingā€¦

Mulder is now 15+ lbs at 3.5 years old, super long bodied with a beautiful thick double coat and nearly all the physical traits of a Maine Coon (ear tufts, fluffy pads and inbetween toes, mane, loooong very fluffy tail, blocky head, etc).

brown tabby cat outside on a leash in the snow

Iā€™m a dog and cat groomer and worked at a cat rescue as a teen and havenā€™t met many cats quite like him.

He loves water and snow, plays HARD, isnā€™t phased by many things the other cats in the house find scary, is extremely friendly with other animals of all species (heā€™s best buds with my ferrets!), and is just kind of big, clunky and ungraceful and very doglike.

While extremely friendly, heā€™s not a constant cuddler, preferring to sit nearby most of the time and come in for short snuggles in my lap whenever heā€™s sleepy or randomly at night.

Iā€™m definitely thinking of finally doing a dna test for him after seeing some younger Maine Coons at a cat show who were fairly close in appearance to him.

by: Nick from England
I have had three MC's and he is the spitting image of them all. Loves playing in the snow, will wear a harness and sits next to you rather than on you, all MC traits. Well done you.

Mulder's Heritage
by: Bedford's DD
The tail and the tufts speak volumes.

Yes. Mulder is Maine Coon except for the papers
by: DD
Looks like lynx ears, square muzzle, large almond shaped eyes, and large paws. Does he have fur tufts on the underside of his paws? He has a sturdy build. If heā€™s extremely intelligent, good natured and outgoing I vote Maine Coon.

Sure seems like it!
by: Bodhiā€™s Mom
He sounds exactly like a Maine Coon. It sounded like you were describing my Bodhi who is certifiably 100% MC. You are both so lucky to have found each other.

Could Purrscilla have some Maine Coon in her?

by Tracy

pretty calico kitty looking up at camera
pretty calico cat on couch looking into camera

The vet said she thinks Purrscilla is about 17 weeks old, but weā€™re not certain since we adopted her from the humane society.

She weighs about 4 pounds. Her hair is a little over 2 inches, itā€™s shorter on her shoulders & longer/fuzzier around her neck, bottom of her ears, tail, & belly.

Her fur is silky on top. She is playful & loves people. She is interested in water from the faucet but does not want to be in it.

So cute
by: Anonymous
I think you will know soon because they have a unique personality šŸ˜ƒšŸ‘ so cute


by Sam
(Manchester UK)

longhaired orange tabby cat with green eyesFloor!

This is Fuzzball. She isn't a pure Maine but we think she definitely has some Maine in there!

She is loving and loyal but don't be fooled by the cuteness! She is a little diva at times as well! My son named her hence the name haha :D

Everything but Fur Length

by Jasmine

shorthair brown and white cat sleepingSleepy cuddler
short hair tiger cat laying on porchBalcony babe
shorthaired tiger and white cat laying on wood floor

Smokey turned 3 in the summer, the sweetest and most nosey.

He's a solid 22lbs of healthy explorer and has all of the physical traits except the long fur.

His facial and massive paws are straight Maine Coon. He wants to be friends with everyone regardless of species and wants to adventure everywhere. It's stressful sometimes.

by: BarbaraAnnMoorePeters
My baby came to me from three house fires and was found on sidewalk the next day just sitting in the Sun!

Only three weeks old and a ball of beautiful black fuzzy fur! Tips on his ears and beautiful eyes!

I wasnā€™t looking for a kitten or cat cause I lost my cat Smokie six years ago but I fostered him! Fostering him turned into me believing that my Smokie truly sent me this kitten for a bigger reason!

Took me two weeks to name him but only a few dayā€™s to fall in love with him! His my Heart & Soul! My little man and my Merlin!

See what you guys think! He hugs his groomer but not me! Yet! He comes by command! He does other things also!

Heā€™s my soul mate! Threw out cheating boyfriend! Merlin rules! He watches his house too! Well will try to send pic!!

Small Cat With Big Personality

by Racer Lockhart

face closeup fluffy calico catFace
calico cat curled up sleeping on couchSnuggling
calico cat sleeping on stuffed toysGoofy
fluffy calico kitty on windowsillSunbathing

Iā€™ve had my cat, Mika, for 2 & a half years.

When I got her she was on sale on Craigslist for $20 and she needed more attention then the owners mother could give her.

Sheā€™s almost 5 now and not very big, length or weight, nor does she have the Maine Coon physical characteristics of a big tail or big paws but she might(?) have the ears, the nose, and the coat.

Although, she definitely has a Maine Coon personality! Sheā€™s the sweetest cat Iā€™ve ever met, sheā€™s gotten more vocal over the years & there isnā€™t a viscous bone in her body.

She adores pets, spooning, sometimes snuggling on my lap, and purrs the loudest out of any cat Iā€™ve met.

I just donā€™t know much about cat breeds and was curious about what she was because I hadnā€™t seen a breed that described her.

Then I figured she was probably a mix and, in the midst of researching, I found this website so, Iā€™d like feedback on what others think she might be! Please leave a comment, thank you.

Craig's List
by: Anonymous
Unfortunately, it's a marketplace forum that pets that are stolen are posted. Not all, but many.

To who asked what Craigslist is
by: Anonymous
Craigslist is a forum website. People communicate with each other and you can pretty much list whatever you want on the forums. Sadly, sometimes you can find animals there too.

by: Anonymous
Hi from Italy!
What is Craiglist?
My first MC, a silver tabby who lived with me for 18 years did not have MC standards but I am sure she gas because during a TICA show in 1995 the President of American Maine Coon Association confirmed her breed.

Purring regards.


by Jacqueline

orange and white kitty face cloesupMeet George
shorthaired orange and white cat stretched out on bedMaking himself at home
ginger and white cat curled up

New Adoption From the Animal Shelter:

We adopted George about a week ago. There was just no way we could leave him. He is so sweet and loving. I never thought I'd ever have such a BIG baby. My vet estimated his age at about a year to a year and a half and he's already 15 pounds.

by: Beautiful

by: Anonymous
The look in his eyes say 'yes, I'm a MC' and proud of it!


by Sarah


Wondering if my 9 week old boy Moose has Maine Coon mix?

The posture is a give away as well.
by: Anonymous
My cat always sits like that. They are more human than other cats.

Coonie Ears
by: Jan
Your boy is defenatly a Coonie. Those big ears are a giveaway. The ears of Coonie kittens are much larger than those of other kittens.

Maine Coon?

by Mama

cream and white shorthair cat sitting facing back of chair

Is this cat a Maine Coon?

I can't tell by the ears.

Is My Cat Maine Coon Mix?

by Iven Anthony

cute silver kitty laying on lap
soft gray tabby kitty

She's very active and she's barely 6 months old. Her previous owner told me that her mother is Maine Coon but don't know what the breed of the father.

(note: comments are closed in this archived photo album)

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