Best Food For Maine Coons

Our readers ask, "What is the best food for Maine Coons?" We all want the best for our cats and usually, that comes down to knowing the ingredients in cat food.

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Best Food For Maine Coons?

by: Lyn

Hi, I have 3 Maine Coons now, Arnie a red he's 16 weeks, Bruce a cream and he's 16 weeks and Crystal a Silver tabby and she's 17 months now, and not forgetting 2 moggies! A ginger called Ziggy and a ginger called Frankie.

My moggies go out but the Maine Coons don't wander, they have a garden run, Crystal is my worry, she's always been a fussy eater and they have a hard food of fairly good quality down at all times, and I feed chicken and pouches as well, but Crystal will only eat the hard food and won't touch anything else and I worry she's not getting enough, maybe its because the boys are growing so fast and she's not the biggest Maine Coon, but she's still a fairly good large Moggie size!

Any advice on the best food for Maine Coons would be much appreciated, am I doing the right thing feeding them pouches and chicken as well as the hard stuff or should I just feed the hard food? Help!

Hi Lyn!

I don't think you have anything to worry about! You are doing everything right. The boys might shoot right past Crystal when it comes to size. Our Leo weighs more than twice his sister!

Sometimes cats do prefer the dry food, but as long as it's good quality and she always has access to fresh water, it's fine. If you haven't seen it yet, our article on Cat Food Ingredients provides some guidelines on what they should and shouldn't consume. If she never eats anything other than dry food, you could try buying 2 or 3 different kinds and mixing them.

Providing them with chicken and pouches in addition to their dry food is great! No one food is the best food for Maine Coons, or any breed, and this gives them variety in flavor as well as supplemental nutrients, since no dry food can have everything a cat needs.

Don't worry!

What Is The Best Food For Maine Coons And Cancer Prevention?

Carol in Corolla, NC asks:

Hi, my Maine Coon is 11 years old and had a tumor removed from his side that was caused by his shots. He made it through the surgery and day after fine.

buff colored fluffy maine coon mix cat

On the next day he went into heart failure. We rushed him to a 24/7 clinic and with much treatment, he made it home...I understand his cancer is an aggressive cancer and may come back.

He cannot go through any more surgeries because of his heart. He has an enlarged heart, and did have fluid around it and in his lungs. They are clear now.

He has been on heart meds and lasix for 3 months and is acting like he is in his second childhood...He has tamed many feral kittens so they could find homes. He is the most active cat out of 10 that we couldn't find homes for.

He has had one eye since birth, had it rebuilt and now had to go through this...The other cats follow him around just to be near him...

He loves to play in water so we got him a drinking fountain...He does all kinds of funny tricks and we love him dearly...I give him saffron to eat, warm castor oil compresses,(everyday) 1/4 of a baby aspirin every 3 1/2 days and lots of hugs and kisses...

I would like anymore suggestions on cancer prevention, and the best food to feed him. He doesn't like raw meat at all...The vet said he was in the top 2% to make it through something like this...The Animal Clinic only gave him 6 days to 6 months to live...

He is doing wonderful, and we would like to keep him that way as long as possible. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Carol and Scrappy

Best Food For Maine Coons and Cancer Prevention - Reply:

Hi Carol,

Wow, what a special boy! It seems he really is here for a reason. Helping tame feral kittens, he is a living angel!

I'm sorry to hear of all his troubles. But he knows how much he is loved and cared for, that's for sure.

As for your question regarding food for cancer prevention, this is something I've not yet encountered or researched. I would think that giving him a very high-quality cat food made from top ingredients would be important.

You might want to try having him eat a variety of ingredients, too, by purchasing more than one brand. Canned food and a variety of "real" human food would be good too.

It seems like you are already pampering him very well! I would recommend asking your vet if there is a particular ingredient or supplement that would help with cancer prevention.

There is one product I know of that may interest you: Pet Wellbeing makes a supplement in liquid form called Immune Support and Antioxidant Protection Natural Herbal Supplement you might want to check out.

If there are other owners who know if there is a best food for Maine Coons and cancer prevention, I hope they will leave comments, too!

All my best to you and Scrappy!

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What is your favorite food for Maine Coons? Do you feed kibble, wet food, or perhaps raw or freeze-dried? How do you keep your Coonie(s) happy, healthy and well-fed? Leave a comment below!

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Food for Charlie, the Maine Coon
by: Karen from Massachusetts

My MC, Charlemagne, called Charlie, is an extremely finicky eater. If he had his wish, he would only eat cat treats. I admit he eats too many of those tasty delights. He eats the wet food I give him but not nearly enough. He is a red mackerel tabby with white and really beautiful. He's 8 years old and huge but doesn't weigh enough. The vet says he's healthy, but I worry. He has a big bowl of dry food he where he can free feed. Vet wants him off the treats but I'm finding that hard to do but have cut down. How do I correct his eating habits. Can it be done? He's 8 years old. I admit, he has been badly spoiled. He gets a bit feisty if I don't feed him exactly what he wants...I have the scars to prove it. Can you help me? Thanks, Karen B.

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