Thankful Coonies

by The Cats of Maine Coon Cat Nation
(All Around the World!)

Happy Thanksgiving! Welcome to our annual celebration, where our cats can come tell us what they are grateful for. Gratitude is so powerful!

This community is amazing, and I am so grateful to be a part of it, and to celebrate the good things in life with you all. Let's get started!

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Amy in South Carolina:

Hunley is Thankful For......

beautiful black smoke maine coon cat

Hunley is thankful for windows. He loves watching birds, butterflies, and falling leaves.

Amy in South Carolina:

Enzo is Thankful For......

gorgeous brown tabby maine coon cat

Enzo is thankful for snuggle time. He will sit in your lap all day. He loves snuggles!!

Beatrice Goodman in Chapel Hill, N.C. USA:

Penny is Thankful for ... me!!

Penny was a rescue that was adopted about 6 years ago. She is my shadow.

when I was in the hospital for 10 days from ca surgery she was really down. When I came home she couldn't let me get out of her sight.

I think Penny is thankful for me coming home and just being there for her. Food is not so important to her but Mommy is.

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Julie Koester in Franklin, MA:

Willow is Thankful for her Mom and Dad's Bed


Willow is a 2 year old sweetheart who loves to snuggle with her humans. During the day you can usually find her relaxing on her mom and dad's comfy bed.

Irina in Madison, Alabama:

Rocky at Thanksgiving

red and white kitty
red and white kitty
red and white kitty
red and white kitty

Rocky is thankful for a warm home and a never-empty food dish. Is he really? I think he feels entitled to it. What I know for sure is that we feel thankful for having him.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Charles in San Antonio, Texas USA:

Sergiy is Thankful for a New Forever Home

sergiy maine coon kitten
sergiy kitten

We saw this little guy online at 4 weeks old. I corresponded with the breeder and was invited to come to visit and see him in person.

The drive was about 1 hour from where we live and a nice rive in the Texas hill country.

It was a really nice house with adjacent building that was used as an office space and also the Maine Coone house.

3 queens and 1 king and many kittens at 6 and 7 weeks old. We found Sergiy and played with him and his brothers and sisters.

sergiy kitten
sergiy kitten

We put a deposit on Sergiy and scheduled picking him up at 12 weeks of age. That was a long wait for us.

The day finally arrived and we drove out again with a new carrier. Sergiy was ready and got a lick on the head from his father Max - who came to the U.S. from the Ukraine.

That is how we came to name Sergiy - for his heritage. Sergiy is grateful for his new home and his big sister Maci, a large black and white domestic short hair.

He has so many new things to explore and play with. Everything is new to him - and he keeps us entertained. He sleeps in bed with us each night and loves to cuddle.

He is such a wonderful addition to our home. His loud purr, and his little chirps and squeaks.

ginger maine coon cat

Liam's family in Canada:

Liam Is thankful for his 15th Birthday!

He was not well and had lost weight, was diagnosed with a Hyper Thyroid and heart issues, but through his meds he is doing much better. 

His 15th Birthday, August 25th.

ginger maine coon cat

ginger kitty

Marcia Coleman in Upper Marlboro, MD USA:

Butterscotch is Thankful For

Sitting in any chair and ledge I want to and having a friend to talk to anytime

ginger kitty

Marsha in Texas:

Presley, is One Thankful Sweet Boy!

fluffy cream and white kittyPresley
fluffy cream and white kittyPresley and his little Mama

Presley is thankful for being rescued at 7 weeks old (he's now 10 years old)

He is also thankful for his little Mama (my daughter) for making sure he gets his daily insulin shot because he's a diabetic.

He thankful for a wonderful vet Dr Melissa Arnold in Hillsboro, TX and his family that keeps him safe, warm, fed, and so very well loved and spoiled!

marley and mickey

Danielle Mostbauer in Windsor Ontario:

Marley is Thankful For...

  • his sister, Mickey, who is his best friend.
  • walks in the park with Mum
  • scratches under the chin

Cindy McCreadie in Alexandria, Ontario:

Mazikeen (Maze) fuzzy balls!!


Maze is thankful for mom learning to play fetch with her!! Maze bring balls for mom to find in bed when she wakes up. We can play as soon as the alarms go off!!

Martin in Bloomingburg NY USA:

Oscar (A girl furry) is Thankful for Her Brothers and Sisters


Oscar was saddened last month when her 14yr old twin sibling Buddy passed suddenly.

She loves the other cats and rubs up against them. She loves her doggies(family of 5) and even grooms them sometimes. She will actually mimic me meowing back to her! She is part of my being.

Glyn in Cambridge UK:

Gaia is Grateful for Sinks

black cat in sink

1 year old Gaia loves sinks, baths, toilets, paddling pools. Loves to watch the water or lie in it but won’t paddle in it.

Carrie in Gray Maine:

Spencer is Thankful for Having a Very Loving Home This Thanksgiving

fulfy black catMy Spencer

2021 Thankful Coonies:

Gretchen Maurer in Providence, RI, USA:

Molly is thankful for a box, any box

molly in a box

Molly likes any box. She loves to sleep in the sun.
Linda in Maine:

Vincent is thankful for...

living with a loving family for the last nine years! I am thankful for lap time, my delicious food and my furry brother Maestro.

Maestro is a dog but he is very gentle and lets me cuddle with him and drink from his water bowl. I am thankful that Vosje (my look alike sister dog) does NOT bite me, that she only barks if I really annoy her and sometimes can be as chill as Maestro.

I am also thankful for my "new" name Vincent. It is much cooler and more fitting than the name the shelter gave me, Sunflower, yup , silly name for a big boy like me.

Now I am named for a famous artist instead of one of his paintings.

Emily in Massachusetts:

Figaro is thankful to be off the streets and in a warm, loving home


Arrested by Animal Control where I was wandering the streets in a Massachusetts town about 20 miles south of Boston, hungry and dirty, since I was a scaredy cat & not a very good hunter.

I am so grateful I was transferred to the MSPCA shelter in Boston where my new human, who volunteers there, saw me & couldn't help but fall in love when I purred loudly, looked at her with my golden eyes, and let her rub my tummy.

Now I am safe and a handsome, fluffy big (15-pound) boy, probably a Maine Coon mix, but with a definite MC affectionate and vocal personality.

I love snuggles and tummy rubbles, watching the birds from my windowsill, playing with a peacock feather, and chasing my "sister," fluffy Adina, especially in the middle of the night--SO much better than living on the street.

I'm a very lucky kitty!

Laura A Cox in South Dennis, MA:

Let me introduce myself...I am Sergio Cox


I am thankful for so many things...first of all, I'm thankful my people rescued me when I was little from a house where I wasn't wanted and they didn't want me to play.

These great people came and got me and took me to their house. Right away I knew it was going to be the cat's meow (ha-ha) because my second day there, the nice lady made chicken wings (I LOVE chicken) and I got to grab one! I don't think she made them for me because she took it back!

But, we got a new forever house a few years ago and boy is it nice. I have all kinds of windows to look out, I have chipmunk friends who come to the glass door to say hi, and all kinds of birds to watch!

My dad is great, he takes me outside in the morning so I can sit on his lap while he drinks his coffee. My mom gives me brushes and treats every night. I know they love me and I love them.

My mom doesn't even get mad when I play bite. She should feel special, I don't do that with dad. So, this Thanksgiving I am very thankful to live with my mom and dad in our cozy house. We are a happy family!

Sherry in Silver Bay, MN USA:

Hello from a Mixed Maine Coon Tuxedo

Shadow is eternally grateful that her people don’t try to make her interact with their dog or think less of her because she doesn’t.

The two are heart-achingly sweet, well-behaved, and tolerant of each other, but Shadow is wary—-as if knowing they just don’t belong to the same tribe.

But they both wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Tatyiana in North Carolina:

Jiff is thankful for


Chasing leaves! Fall is Jiff’s favorite time of year! He’s never knocked over a Christmas tree but chasing falling leaves really gets his attention!

Pat in Firestone:



Spooky is thankful for pumpkins and fall weather

Sherry in Borrego Springs, CA:

Milo is Thankful for...


Milo is thankful that he was recently adopted into our family via the Palm Springs Animal Shelter.

How could such a gorgeous kitten be passed over for over 2 months at the shelter? Milo is thankful that he was taught how to be a gentleman, for the most part, when he was being fostered for several weeks with his other siblings, along with his mother, a stray.

He uses his litter box and his scratching post perfectly. He is not jumpy around noises such as the vacuum or the blender.

He keeps his claws sheathed! He carries himself with impressive self confidence.


Milo appreciates that his new mom and dad discovered that he loves riding in the car. On the way home from the shelter, he rode shotgun in the car.

How lucky he feels to have had loving experiences in foster care and at the no-kill shelter. Milo feels fortunate that his mom loves it when he snuggles up under her chin and purrs for a long time.

He never has a thought he doesn't express. He must chirp upon entering a room. Of course we feel as thankful to have him as much as he's grateful to have us to spoil him.

I do so love Milo!!

Holly is thankful for a loving home and wonderpurr friends


Holly was abandoned and facing a cold New England winter when a local rescue group found her and took her in.

I adopted her just before Christmas 2015 (that's why she's named Holly). Whenever we experience bad weather, Holly is especially cuddly, as if she is thanking me for keeping her safe.

In spite of her humble beginnings, Holly now has many friends on Twitter, including Heidi, who was featured in the September 2021 album.

They call each other Sisters of the Fur and were so excited to see each other in the Paws emails!



Nico is thankful for "his" heated massage cushion!


Holly Purr is a Princess

We love Holly Purr and her Mommy - They are so wonderpurr!

Top of Thanksgiving Cat Thoughts 

striking purebred maine coon with invitation to sign up for the coonie care crash course.

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