Collars and Air Tags

by Nelson Andrews
(Huntsville AL)

Hi, so we have an airtag on our Maine Coon, along with his rabies tag etc.

So, how do other owners deal with the collar on your cat's beautiful mane?

I absolutely hate the collar but I'm scared to death that he will get outside. Thanks.

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Questions About Losing Fur and Growing Fur

My Maine Coon is losing fur in her back legs and tail. Please help

Hello, my Maine Coon is 5 years old, and she’s an indoor cat. I noticed she has started losing fur in her back legs and tail this past month.

She has never lost this much fur before. I don’t know what to do, can you please give me advice.

Thank you


Hi There,
It sound like this has happened before, just not to this extent, right?

I'm not sure where you are, but it's spring where I am, and shedding season. Even indoor kitties will shed their luscious winter coat in the spring! Spring shedding is triggered by the sun's position and even indoor cats will respond.

If it's more than just a good shed, if it's so thin that you are concerned, definitely ask your vet. It may not even require a visit. Many vets will be able to discern whether there is cause for concern with a phone consultation. They will know the proper questions to ask. If this is a symptom of an underlying health condition, you definitely want to know.

All The Best,

Flea allergy can do it
by: Anonymous

I had a Maine Coon who suddenly lost a tremendous amount of fur. Turned out to be a flea allergy. If your cat is not flea protected try it.

When Will His Mane Come In?

by: Laurie in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I have a beautiful Maine Coon who is soon to be 10 months old. First things first, love him just the way he is! Sooooo lovable.

I am just curious about the mane around his neck. Doesn't appear to be a lot going on there. Is there an age when you know he won't have a mane that is predominant to his features?

Hi Laurie,
I remember wondering the same thing when Leo was young. At around a year, some young Maine Coons are still in their "awkward teenage phase." My best advice is to give it some more time! Since he's a purebred Coonie, I am confident he'll fill in before you know it.

Do you have advice or experiences with shedding, losing or growing fur? Share below!

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