Too Friendly to Be Free

by Darleen Saunders
(Sacramento, CA)

Our two Main Coon brothers are definitely indoor boys. We saw early on that they were more lovers than fighters when they never even bothered to flee when strange dogs came into our house for a visit.

black and white Maine Coon Cats

These trusting kitties would sit still and allow any animal to sniff them and not move to higher ground like a normal cat, or better yet retreat under the farthest bed.

So when they would meander outside if a door was left open accidentally we quickly found the nearest garden hose and gave them a slight spray. If they were out of range I would call them and always give them a treat once inside.

I always train my cats to come when called with treats so that I can be sure they are in, or if I need to bring them to the vet. Chumming is way better than chasing!

We have coyotes in our neighborhood and we see sad postings from other neighbors who’s cats go “missing” way too often. So our friendly boys have been grounded to the house only.

But not to worry we have loads of room for them and they make use of our long hallways to get their exercise daily.

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by Sally
(Ormond Beach, FL)

My Coonie, Lexy is not a very friendly girl. she doesn't like other cats or people.

She was a rescue. I got her at 4 months from a lady with large dogs. she is 6 yrs old now. She will not allow me to hold her for more than about a minute and that is a stretch. I have tried.

She loves to be petted by me only. She hisses at everyone else. I just started opening the porch door about a foot. she sits inside and runs in and out after lizards. I live in Florida.

She never goes far. I let her do it about once a day for a while. She loves it. Whenever someone or a car pulls up she comes running in to me. She has a doggie door. She is quite a character. I love her so much.

Sally In Ormond Beach, FL

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All Cat Lover
by: Donna Riese

All cats have their on personality and do what they please. I had a Main Coon for 13 yrs the most perfect cat We ever owned. They are very smart,lovably and will never let you forget them even after they've gone. Our cats always give us unconditional love rather they are a Main Coon or just a tabby,they all have wants and needs.
As long a we give them unconditional love back and do not give in to the wants that we know are not good for them ,yet still let them know how much we care for them they will soon come around and sit on your lap for petting.
You cant give up,they will always be your friend in more ways then one. They know who feeds them and you are their parent in more ways than one. They depend on us to keep them safe. I Live in Ormond By The sea,we have a screened in porch and our newly rescue male always wants to go out. I limit his visits out unless I am with him. He loves lizards which are not good for them.
Wish you the best of luck with Lexy,I am sure he will one day jump on lap for affection.

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by Sandy

I have a Maine Coon (Tink) that escaped yesterday & went under the house. We had just moved into the house & I was mowing the yard.

Both he & my other cat escaped by pushing open the front door. Of course, Tink led the way & Jenny (my other non Maine Coon cat), followed. I was able to get Jenny in by calling to her.

But Tink (Maine Coon) stayed forever under the house, scared by the mowers. When he finally came out I tried to pick him up, but he was so overwhelmed that he growled & tried to bite me. So I had to let him go.

Finally he came in through a door that I left open. He is very stubborn and doesn’t come when called. I was so relieved he finally came inside I cried. This is not the first time he’s escaped…I call him an escape artist!

But since we’ve just moved he needs to stay inside, too many other feral cats in the neighborhood!

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Consider a Catio ~~

by Donna
(Portland OR)

Our two Coonies love their catio! It is built strong enough so that they can be out in the middle of the night ~~ we do not have cougars or bears. Check out the Feral Cat Coalition/Audubon web sites in Portland Oregon where there is a Catio Tour every September. It is worth a look. Good luck!

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by Monica
(Central PA)

I don't think they "outgrow" the desire to be outside. My Maine Coon is 10 years old and still tries to escape everytime she's near when someone opens the door!

Unfortunately recently Penney got out and was *very fast* about her getaway. She must've been planning it for a while because it was like she knew exactly how to get around me and out the door! lol I tried going after her but she was off and running, and we didn't see her again until the next day... And she didn't come home alone.

It took us about a week to discover the very unpleasant existence of fleas that were on her... and she was kind enough to share with her doggie brothers!

And this was how I found out that particular brand of flea control doesn't work! I've learned my lesson: Don't try to save money with flea & tick treatments! UGH!!! (I always use preventative flea treatments because even tho Penney stays indoors -or, at least, she's supposed to!- our dogs go out daily for walks, etc.)

It was finally safe for me to apply another flea treatment on her, and this time I went with Frontline Plus for Cats. That stuff worked great! By the very next day after applying it, she had no more fleas on her body, thank goodness!

Her skin is so sensitive to flea bites and she lost some patches of hair from the damn stupid little pests. I felt horrible for her, but they strongly suggest you do not apply another flea treatment too early. I guess they don't want you to overdose your pet?

Anyway, Penney is now on the mend, her skin is healing up nicely and she's definitely much happier. But I bet this won't stop her from trying to escape again! 😆

My plan is to take out the giant dog crate we have and set it up on our deck so she can enjoy the fresh air and sunshine but will remain with us!

I figure giving her about an hour or so everyday might be something she'll enjoy, and our deck is up very high, so predators won't be coming to try to get her, and fleas are unlikely that far up off the ground.

Plus, it's right off our kitchen, which is occupied very very often between all the family members, so she won't be left alone anyway. Fingers crossed this helps her to accept that staying indoors is definitely safer for her and that I'm not being mean by not letting her out! lol

I look forward to reading what others have to say on this subject.

Comments for MoonPye

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by: Anonymous

Love seeing all the handsome and pretty Maine Coon pictures and reading about them.

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